So according to the parable, a master has a slave, he asks him to look after his animals and.....THEN goes away!
After much time has passed....the master comes back and if he finds the slave has been loyal and has looked after the animals, he calls him a good slave, if not he is an evil slave.
So my point is, jesus handed over responsibility to this slave BEFORE HE WENT AWAY, the slave was loyal and a good worker DURING HIS ABSENCE, then on his return he found him looking after his animals as he asked.
Now i know we all see the parable for what it is .. The jesus character was saying "Whilst I'm gone, you have to remain loyal and obediant and ready for my return etc"
But how does the Watchtower leaders explain how they could be the slave, when they were clearly not present at Jesus's going away 2000 years ago?(according to christianity). They do not explain the going away of jesus and the handing over of the animals at all. They just talk about his return and being found to be faithful and discreet. They have not explained THE MOST IMPORTANT PART.
It doesnt make any sense.... to me. Surely the average JW will spot that glaring hole.
Snare x