You were a Jehovah's Witness because you wished to fooled

by Terry 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chariklo

    Very, very interesting analysis of stage "magic", Terry!

    I'm bookmarking this for reference.

  • talesin

    oops, just noticed you already posted that about the prestige, Vidiot.

    lol, I laugh every time I type your name! very clever :P

  • cyberjesus

    I didnt wanted to be fooled.... I fought against the "laws of nature" that I was taught.... until when by chance, I was able to let of go of the mental chains on logic.

    I'd say I am not a JW because I didnt wished to be fooled

  • bigmac

    and how many dubs stay put because they dont want to admit they have been fooled.

  • MrFreeze

    The Prestige taught me there are three parts to a magic trick. First is "The Pledge'. The magician shows you something ordinary. He'll ask you to inspect it to make sure it is legit. The second part is "The Turn". The magician takes the ordinary thing and makes it do something extraordinary. The third part is "The Prestige" such as when someone makes something disappear... and then at the end brings it back.

    "Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled."

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Cant say I agree Terry, although i can see your point.

    As a kid dragged into the whole crap shoot it was all i knew. Yes the tricks were there, but on those so young and those born wishing to be fooled about it.

    Fooled no, deceived yes.

    Illusion presented as reality and fed to me as reality, became reality.

    Now, if i went back, then i would say i wished to be fooled...


  • Terry

    Henry Overlander almost brought down the banking structure of the entire western world. He was a bigtime conman extraordinaire.

    Henry's Rule: "Everybody is willing to give you...something...for the thing they are hungry for."

    What you are hungry for does not have to be real; it just needs to appear to be real for you and your portion of the deal.
    A lie is the BRIDGE offered to connect the space...the gap...between our desire for the thing
    we are hungry for and the fulfillment of that wish.

    What is missing in your life? That is the thing the liar identifies.

    The lie is an offer. "Believe my lie and you can have this."

  • designs

    A sister visited me after I had left and sat in our living room crying that God needed to bring this world to destrction for justice to be served. I was unnerving to say the least. Once the mind clears all of the old assumptions and beliefs fall quickly.

  • RoosterMcDooster

    Interesting post, but personally I never wanted to be fooled.

    I have, however taken this much away:

    ~Just because you believe somthing is true, doesnt make it true;

    And just because you dont believe something, doesnt make it not true.~

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Terry, are YOU a magician?

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