Here is a blog article by a active JW who is worried about the recent developments in the WT and its implications. Looks like even some loyal JW's are waking up.
by Bangalore 15 Replies latest jw friends
Here is a blog article by a active JW who is worried about the recent developments in the WT and its implications. Looks like even some loyal JW's are waking up.
As interesting as this blog post was, I don't think it really proves that there is a growing insurrection in the borg.
To give an honest opinion, It sounds like someone pretending to be an active, yet doubtful JW and is expounding on said doubts with the goal of getting "real" JW's to 'discuss' his valid, but apostate leaning doubts.
I wouldn't be suprised if he's a JWN poster.
The comments section is interesting too. Dorcas said " I see this latest example as an act of near desperation on the part of the GB. What does a person do when he feels he’s losing his grip or his control? He tightens that grip. I don’t know the reasons behind it, but I sincerely believe the GB feels threatened on some front and thus the need to keep us in line with with these types of parts."
Sounds like some are waking up.
Scottleblog - The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses
I read through several of his posts, and it appears that he is already "out" and trying to slyly convince other JWs. Nearly every post makes a point to contradict what the WT has said on the subject. At least the posts that I read.
I know several people that have left the WT or been DF'd, but still hold to many of the WTs peculiar teachings (i.e Paradise Earth, Soul Sleep, No Trinity, etc...)
It appears that this guy is either all the way out, or is a fader that is trying to help others get out.
I hope he succeeds in helping some, or even just one, to get out, to be free to evaluate things you need to leave first.
Lets face it, active JW's are far more likely to read his stuff than this site, so he stands a chance.
I think he may have plugged in to a certain zeitgeist, I hope so, perhaps there is a growing number feeling that there is "something nasty in the woodshed".
again, I do hope so.
How Pro-WT is this apologist?
All you have to do to realize that some hardliner JWs who are still "IN" are having some doubts is talk to them. I've had several older friends ask me about the recent changes. Of course, they must know that they can "trust" you in asking. One expressed it as "I wonder if the old guys up in NY got something wrong? Things have sure drug on too long!"
They all were told they would live on right into the New World. Many of them are getting old, losing spouses, etc.
The promises are going unfulfilled.
sounds like it's becoming more like every other cult. It's shrinking down to a smaller group of hard core adherents.
very well written blog!!