Armageddon is coming! New Dates Predicted (satire)

by 00DAD 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FadeToBlack

    sd-7 said: This is insane. But I like it, LOL.

    That is not the same as (see Splane thread) 'love this idea', therefore it can not be true. I know specualtion is heresy, but I would have to say that it must be symmetrical. Thus, while 00DAD was in the ball park, the actual date (by my careful calculations) must be 2370 (AD/CE your choice).

  • 00DAD

    FadeToBlack: I know specualtion is heresy, but I would have to say that it must be symmetrical. Thus, while 00DAD was in the ball park, the actual date (by my careful calculations) must be 2370 (AD/CE your choice).

    I'm a big fan of symmetry, yet I fail to see the symmetry of 2,370?

    Now if you'd said "2,332" then I'd understand; but you did not and so I do not.

    Could you please explain? And while you're at it I'd love to see your "careful calculations" too!


  • perfect1

    Could we put some beans in a jar and go at it that way

  • FadeToBlack

    00DAD said:

    I'm a big fan of symmetry, yet I fail to see the symmetry of 2,370?

    Now if you'd said "2,332" then I'd understand; but you did not and so I do not.

    Could you please explain? And while you're at it I'd love to see your "careful calculations" too!

    My response: You don't get it. With the WTS we start from the conclusion and work our ways back disregrading all contrary evidence. Get it? First world ended in 2370. Like first Adam/last Adam. Symmetry. Evidently, the big A will be in 2370. You were close. I could go into more detail but it would involve a lot of handwaving and youtube videos. Trust me.

    It is like accepting that babylon was overthrown in 537, but not accepting 607.

  • 00DAD

    ok ...

  • finallysomepride

    The new date is: November 17, 2021

    This was revealed to me as I watched 23 ducks wadely along at the park today, and confirmed in a tea leaf reading at afternoon tea.

  • prologos
    The theory of relativity, conceived by imperfect humans in a satan dominated world does not allow any "Rock " to be accelerated to the speed of light, so 2334-70 is a very early guestimate. (which all the previous posts imply). But with the unlimited power of "god",if the "rock" could reach that velocity, and using the equations, it would shrink into a 2 dimensional sheet. In other words, the approach and arrival of Armageddon's rock will be invisible, like all that amounts to the (invisibly) spirit direction. are you off your rock[er]?
  • Fisherman
  • wizzstick


    Did your sky fairy tell you this?

    Will you promise not to come back on here after 2017? For shame?

  • Fisherman

    Did your sky fairy tell you this?

    I have posted in before in various threads that something MUST give this year or at the very maximum 2017. As I explained previously, 100 years of invisible rule and a preaching work to the sons of people that heard the message and died is out of phase with what makes sense. Given the Bible, the end can come any time, today, tomorrow next year 1000 years from now.., who knows, but using 1914 as a reference and that is the basis for WT belief, it is time to flee tor the hills which is what WT has done. If the generation end of 1914 is coming at all, this is it, end of the line.

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