This just happened this morning. Brother Ramseyer (forget his first name and how to spell his last name, he's on the branch committee) was the chairman, coordinator of the branch committee Ken Little gave opening prayer, member of branch committee Walter Trubeyk (forget how to spell his last name) gave the summary of the Watchtower, then Clive Thomas (printery overseer) gave "highlights" of whats being done in Canada. Specifically, Thomas mentioned the "Manhattan project" is being expanded in Canada under a more formal name, he said it but I forget what it was. Anyway it will be in major cities across Canada and will feature that box with the shelves holding a bunch of Bible Teach books. Also, Canada's active publisher peaked in March at over 115,000 and there are over 11,000 pioneers, (they've been setting peaks every few months recently) while memorial attendance was almost exactly the same as last year (haha). Canada branch is also printning books and brochures again alongside the mags, so they made the announcment they need more single brothers to waste their lives at bethel.
Then Daniel Molchan, a helper to the GB, gave a talk which I completely forget was about. After him Daniel Molchan of the US Branch Committee gave a talk on Jesus and stuff. Both were pretty tame talks, there wasn't any "post-secondary education is the devil!!!" or extreme statements like that (guess you need to the GB to do that). Also one of the guys wives works in purchasing while the other is on the computer department.
Anyway it was a long, boring 3 hours to sit thru. And i already forgot most of it.