Zid- add Trader Joe's to the list, great stores here in California anyway, and the local Farmer's Markets which are a real treat.
You may need a good healthy yogurt after eating PJPs pepperoni.
by FlyingHighNow 43 Replies latest social humour
Zid- add Trader Joe's to the list, great stores here in California anyway, and the local Farmer's Markets which are a real treat.
You may need a good healthy yogurt after eating PJPs pepperoni.
Ignorance amazes me. Taking issue with the product itself is one thing, and the beauty of a free market. But to think or believe that he has any ability to have any impact whatsoever on the personnel decisions of the franchisees is preposterous. 95% of the PJ's restaurants are franchise-owned. They are not employees of John Schnatter. The franchisees have to determine how to approach and absorb the costs of health care. The idea that there will be a mass firing or laying off of the work-force is insane.
It's not like pizza chains get to select workers from the "cream of the crop". We have to search for people to work. Most people that go to work for us really don't want to work, they intentionally want a part-time job and a perceived "easy" job that they only have to work at for 2-3 hours at a time. It amazes me how people that are only scheduled 15 hours a week are the first ones to volunteer to go home when cuts are needed.
The harsh reality is turnover in this industry is immense, always has been, always will be. The only people that stay around longer than a few months are managers and upper management. Some drivers that have the lucrative shifts, hang around for years, but thats all they want to do.
Team members that want to work, better themselves and pursue this industry are developed, promoted, and given benefits.
By and large the vast majority of team members either work for us as a supplement to their "real" job or just want an easy part-time gig. Some even use it as a way to stay on unemployment, requesting only to work a minimal amoumt of hours.
The only full-time positions there are now and ever have been are the salary management positions.
You guys can ignore this statement of facts as it was on the previous "Papa Johns" thread started by NC, but these are the facts from someone who has worked for PJ's since 1997 starting as a driver (while regular pioneering) and working my way up to the director of operations of a 31-store franchise (after leaving the WT and realizing I needed a career since I threw away my youth pioneering and pursuing a "theocratic career")
That surprises me about Whole Foods. Denying climate change seems very much against their culture. I've been there a few times, but it was always a disapointment. I figured it would be easy to get the things I eat there, and they are huge, but I searched every aisle of healthy-looking pretty wrapped breads wanting only a whole grain bread. 100% whole grain---that's the only kind of bread I buy. Not stone ground, not whole wheat, but it must say 100% whole grain/wheat whatever, or it is full of white flour. I could not find one bread in their store. I was really surprised. I asked for help, and the people working there kept picking up the pretty packages and trying to give them to me. Problem solved. I would turn to the ingredients and show them how the problem was not solved.
They just didn't understand what I was saying. I just went to my local grocery store and I had a choice of 3 100% whole grain breads. Ridiculous. That seems so basic to me.
The move to secede is growing in the southern states: The South Shall Rise Again! dinkdadadink And now they are talking about impeaching Obama. While McCain was on television bitching that he couldn't get details on Libya, he was missing a meeting he was supposed to be at where they were giving details on Libya. I think he should be checked for dementia. What a loon these days.
They are absolutely going insane that they have lost this election. Baby temper tantrums.
Lots of reality denial on display here.
Educate us on the real world, O Wise One.
High prices, low employee wages and a cult following is Whole Foods, Starbucks and Apple Computer. I think Dominoes has tried very hard to increase their quality, so far I think they are doing a good job and are willing to listen to customers if they complain. Pappa John's dropped the ball, they are complacent with their goooey pizza crusts. Dominos had a better price-point, more topping along with a good crust (not just the commericals of
I stopped buying pizzas from Pappa John's after three visits of mushy crust and sauce that tasted like ketchup.
Baby temper tantrums.
Only lots louder and much more damaging.
In case people haven't noticed, this thread is posted in the Jokes & Humor section. It is from the Free Wood Post: News That's Almost Reliable website. It's satire and parody at its finest.
True, so let's go with Baby Huey Tantrums.
It is a joke, but the issue is real. I turned on the news tonight and heard about Denny's---so it's growing. It should just be a joke, but sadly, it's pretty true.
So the part about making the pizza taste worst is the joke----
But the surcharge to customers that can be deducted from the server's tip is not a joke. It's disgusting.
I don't like Dominoe's Pizzas. So what? The point is that I do like the fact that they keep thousands of people employed. Everyone knows the skinny margins earned by restaurants are threatened by Obama care. So, before they raise prices in an inceasingly competitive and shrinking economy they try to figure out how to avoid cost increases. If they can't make it work out, then nobody has a job. That means less taxpayers...etc
All this vitriol is focused on the very people who are struggling to make the economy work.
Imagine the government nationalizing the fast food industry! LOL. That's not far from what's going on now.
So you're telling me healthcare is expensive? Who knew?
We should probably think about addressing such an important issue. Or we could bury our heads in the sand and pretend that the problem will go away.
If only we had elected Mitt, he'd know how to reform healthcare. He was a business man.
How are they threatened by the ACA? Most restaurants have moved away from offering fulltime to anyone but management. I know Cracker Barrel has done that. They have leaned very hard on employees who aren't managers trying to get them to quit. They also would cut people's hours just enough for them to be under the average needed to keep insurance. Another thing they did was give employees with solid work performance, even outstanding performance subpar evaluations so they would lose Par stars making their insurance too expensive. The stars on their aprons, if they get up to four are Par 4 and their insurance is cheaper than fulltimers with less than 4.
NC, I see what you are saying. I think the joke is in that the CEO might as well have said he was going to make his pizzas taste worse. It highlights what a bad business move it was for him to whine publically about health care reform and threaten to raise the pizza prices. His disregard for his own employees' welfare will lose him business just as making the pizzas taste worse would. It tells us poor sobs with no health insurance that he resents us, too. Why should we ever buy pizzas from such a man?