Share your photo, only if you don't have any problem with it.

by wolfman85 157 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    Terry you look just like that guy in your avatar - what's the chances of that happening!

  • wolfman85

    Hi Cofty, Thanks, I know exactly what you mean and you are quite right!!

    Thanks Terry, I enjoy your well thought out posts.

  • brizzzy

    (Oh yay, we're doing dog pics too? This is my doggeh, Fezzik. He is a Neapolitan Mastiff.)

  • wolfman85

    Wow, The Beauty and The Beast!! It is a HUGE DOG, nice.

  • brizzzy

    Thanks! He is my monster puppy.

  • StopTheTears
  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    My last dog was one I used for pig hunting in Wine Properties needing help, Dogo Argentino is great with kids and they will fight to the death to protect their master.

    This is dog is close to my former dogo, they work great in pairs hunting down wild pigs (sorry if this subject offends anyone, but the pigs tear up the wine groves, and my dogs were rewarded to remove the destructive pigs) They are breed from the Mastiff , i found the best watch dogs were airedales, black labs and siamese cats!

    My dogos were geared out with leather and collars of steel to protect them as best as possible. They are breed to hunt, the best breeders of Dogos are out of Texas, I spent a mint during my hunting phase of life.

  • LouBelle

    My avatar is me - facebook is banned at work, I have used the link though - but can't see the image on my side.

  • snakeface

    How do I post photos?

    I don't have a photobucket account. Can I email 2 photos to someone for them to post for me?

  • cofty

    snakeface - Easiest way is to sign up for a free photobucket account

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