Here's the solution. Instead of watching tv, take the Testarossa out for a spin!
You are correct, of course. To the gun store ----
by james_woods 24 Replies latest jw friends
Here's the solution. Instead of watching tv, take the Testarossa out for a spin!
You are correct, of course. To the gun store ----
I have a love/hate relationship with Debbie Boone and YOu light up my life. (JamieBowers I also Loved the True Blood scene!)
Back when my first daughter was born I was playing in a band. We had booked a wedding for the month I was due, but I wasn't overly worried. The date was three weeks past my due date, and anyway, what were the chances of going into labour that same day?
The bride and groom had requested You Light Up My Life as their first song. It was getting major airplay at the time but I didn't know it well. So I spent the whole day practicing the song and singing at the piano in preparation. At around 4 pm my pains started. By 6 pm I knew I wasn't gonna make the wedding gig. My sister quickly learned the song as a stand=in and I headed to the hospital. My firstborn came into the world shortly after midnight.
I was always curious whether my singing that song over and over that day before I went into labour might somehow resonate with my daughter. Or maybe it was just that Debbie Boone's voice brought on the greatest pain I had known in my life up until that point!!!
Mamochan, that may have been the saddest story I have ever heard...
Thanks guys, I never heard of her. Heard of Pat Boone, but don't know that much about him either. LOL, James such contempt man!
Pat Boone used to record the hit songs that Black entertainers recorded first; his was another version of the hits. We used to buy all the hit songs and never once bought one of his. He was a dud in our opinion, (my sisters and all my friends).Just listen to him sometime. I think he recorded Ain't that (it) a Shame a little while after Fats Domino recorded it. Can you imagine competing with Fats Domino?
Life is tough when you are a big one hit wonder, or was on a hit series that has since faded into nostalgialand, leaving you stranded in typecastville.
You take whatever work you can get, pitching unremarkable products. I have pity for the poor sap who ends up that way.