Conti v Watchtower - Court Denies Watchtower Motion re: Substituting Bond - November 16 court documents in pdf

by jwleaks 102 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Elijehovah

    Nothing wrong with an accepted settlement in something already public, BUT the settlement should not buy silence. The right to speak out and expose should not be denied, since Jesus died for this right to speak out (when other's silence you), or the right to choose silence (when others try to force you to reply with only yes or no). Anyone who forces you to proclaim a 5th amendment right has denied you that right until you demanded it. That crime should be punished upon every USA Judge who demands you answer a yes or no to a question when you have the right to be silent for THE ONE QUESTION (not the whole case), or the right to expound because the answer is neither yes nor no. Coersion is not the right of a judge.

  • Elijehovah

    Interesting that there are 40 days because my own religious beliefs is that Jesus has a bride on earth, and to complete her she must die like Jesus before an Armageddon asteroid strikes. This puts a deadline on their trial and death to join him if that asteroid is found and its date of impact announced to the world. BUT to be effective as Jesus was proving himself alive for 40 days, this requires four truths. One that 144,000 do go to heaven. Two, that they are incomplete and will become complete. Three, that they can become flesh on earth (not just ghosts) for 40 days after that complete number has died. Four, that they die before the impact in order to warn their disciples on earth where to go and how to survive it. There was an alignment of those December-January 40 days in the four years 2009 thru 2012 (every 1460 years). Jesus was on those 40 days in April but the 2400 years aligns Venus (1200+1200), and not the dates since his 2400 is 1460 +940 which is then why his 40 days are in Easter April instead of Noah's December. In either case, the passing of the exact dates doesnt remove the belief status of the doctrine tactics. Afterall, we are coming up on 100 years of God's Kingdom and the 1914 June 1 global license was merged with America in 1996 to defy my internet posts that the anointed are destine to be stripped naked and die whether wicked by Esther not complying to the king's call like Vashti wouldnt, or by being righteous dying like Jesus who was also stripped naked, Either way the true kingdom loses everything before Armageddon because she has gone to heaven, or failed Jehovah. BUT Mordecai says there is no failure, he says Esther if you dont comply bitch, Jehovah will replace you and save his children by giving the king (Jesus) yet another last moment wife.... any contenders? Anyone out there willing to die for truth, to finish that number of 144,000. I say that because 10 men (today maybe its 8) caused 600,000 to die in Sina; hate to see 7 million die because of 8 men. AND hate to see Noah die, so 7 decide not to get on the ark. This is why i am watching this case. And this is why i am attempting to dig up my cassette tape of three elders in 1982 who intruded on an unbaptized 13 year old Sonya to make sex accusations of me, because their homo claims didnt stick. She cried so hard on the phone at their tactics, that Kathy my third listener on the phone while i taped it, found it hard to keep silent. I had the 3rd listener because elders dont accept cassette tapes. GRIN But YouTube does !

  • LostGeneration


    Not sure what your smokin' but you may want to lay off for a bit.


    Or share.....


  • Londo111

    Well, while we are on the subject, I check in from time to time to see if the oral arguements will be scheduled. So far, the website doesn't report it. Is this typical?

  • nonjwspouse

    I signed up for email updates on this case, and all is quiet.

    DD I got the same impression as you. ....

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The thing about appeal is that it isn't a full re-trial, it only sees if there is a gross miscarriage of justice on the court side (eg. bad instructions to the jury) or misapplication of the law. Also for appeals to either state or federal Supreme Court, they don't necessarily look at the facts, merely if the laws applicable were correctly applied.

    I doubt SCOTUS would even look at this because this is an application of a very specific state law and they're not appealing the constitutionality of the state law and the state has the autonomy to make such laws. They can appeal the constiutionality of said state law but that would not influence the existing judgment because the judgments are always made under current law eg. if a state or federal court legalizes currently illegal drugs, people won't be released from prison en-masse because they were convicted under current laws, they may get their sentence reduced on appeal though. However they can say that the way the law was applied to them is not constitutional (eg. the same law was applied differently for others)

    It has happened that someone gets away with something big (eg. manslaughter) because at the time it happened (eg. it happened in the 40's and you're now prosecuting), the laws of that time said the particular action that led to the manslaughter was legal. The JW's (should) know this as well, they have had state laws overturned which was great for them from then on however that did not mean they got any restitution for the time these laws were applied to them.

    Either way, now they'll have to keep paying the bond which is great, put the money back in our economy, not in their paper-business. The bond btw is probably because that particular corporation has no real property in CA to put up and probably no cash on hand themselves to put up in escrow (they need cash on hand for ongoing expenses and their savings sit in real property in NY and market investments). So Travellers here is basically a bondsman (as in "Dog the Bounty Hunter") which CAN (and probably already has as collateral) put a lien on their real property in any state they operate in case the lender can't repay their loan, at that point, whatever property is in collateral will be seized by Travellers and sold for the value of the bond. If they have $22M in collateral, you can be sure that the value of the property liened is well higher than that (I don't know the rates for fire-sales of properties that large but given that you can regularly buy houses etc at 30-50% of the actual value, I would say the collateral is probably worth $30-40M)

    Bonds are basically bulk loans which you have to repay in full at a time of your choosing but you never have to repay as long as at the time of maturity you pay the interest agreed upon. I doubt highly Travellers insured against the outcome of the case, that would be high-stakes gambling and insurance companies don't gamble.

  • Gayle

    So "Request for oral argument filed" = 9/6, 9/10 and 9/12. So, that's 'two months' ago,,no schedule set up for this yet? What's happening?

  • notjustyet

    I would think that the WTBTS would be able to prevent the foreclosure from Travelers Insurance on any real property by paying off the

    money owed if and when that would happen. Also usually the lienholder would want some collateral that is worth more than the bond they are putting up.

    The reasons that I beleive that the WTBTS would pay up to prevent foreclosure would be.

    1. The embarrassment factor of the world, (especially Jws) knowing that they lost a building to foreclosure to pay off a victim of one of their sexual perverts.

    2. Why would you lose a higher vaulued piece of property when you have the cash sitting in the bank, or investments. Much easier to hide from the masses as compared to the loss of a building.


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