I'm going to mention that to my mom and dad when I make my weekly phone call. (gonna be fun figuring out how to tell her how I heard it tho)
I'm no business expert, that's for sure. But from what I do know about running a business, it makes good sense to outsource and cut bethel staff. Yes, you could call the present operation "free labor" but it really isn't. Probably the smallest cost on the books is the stipend bethelites get. (how much is that these days, by the way?). The WTS also has to feed the staff, do their laundry, provide electricity and water, and give them somewhere to live. Another cost some may not consider is insurance. Worker's comp and all the other policies required by law must be astronomical for an operation that size. And then you've got Watchtower Farms which is there to feed everyone. That's a pretty expensive operation too, especially since they're not vegetarians.
Assuming this rumor is true, then I have to give them credit for a good move. It's quite possible that a publishing company could give them a price below industry standards for a tax break, since the WT is non-profit.
I'd imagine it would improve quality as well. To me the Watchtower and Awake magazines have always had a "cheap" appearance. Maybe by cutting in-house production and outsourcing instead the publications could have more of a "mainstream" appearance.
Metatron mentioned ending the donation arrangement. If the outsourcing happens, that's a given. Whether it will pan out is questionable in my opinion. Undoubtedly, the cost of the publications to the publishers and congregations will be higher.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.