Has any one ever found secular documented proof of the apostle Paul's existence?
Did the Apostle Paul exist
by Unbrainwashed publisher1 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
which one? - some scholars suggest that at least 3 different people were writing under that name.
Historically speaking, there is evidence the Paul existed.
Now sure of the WT version of Paul did though, ;)
I do NOT think there was any evidence for Paul's exisyence outside the NT however.
The existence of Paul is collaborated by one of the letters of Peter and Luke's Acts.
ANd of course by apostolic tradition.
I used to greatly esteem Paul as a leading figure of early Christianity. I've visited two locations that he was believed to have visited or passed through. Now I'm not so sure about him. It's interesting that he was never considered "one of the twelve". I think few Witnesses realize that he wasn't an ACTUAL apostle. He was an "apostle to the nations", and his apostleship was based on an encounter with Christ that he related.
It's more than likely that his pharisaical conditioning is reflected in his interpretation of Christianity. I've also heard there is some debate as to whether he wrote many of the letters that are attributed to him at all.
If only there was a definitive answer.
RE: Paul's letters.
Paul wrote some BUT dictated more than He wrote.
Some letters as we have them may also be "collections" of letters made into "one".
Text critics note that some are inconsistant in how they are organized, some clearly state they are dictated letters while some don't mention him at all ( as Paul typiclaly did at times).
There is also the issue of later editining and copying which may make something seem "less" authentic because of changes done ( various reasons for that).
That ALL the letters we have attributed to Paul were kept as canon and, even before that, kept as important enough to pass on to future generations tell us they were from the earliest time viewed as having some authority.
Christ Alone
Several early Christian followers quoted Paul and referred to him OUTSIDE of the NT. Some of the more convincing evidence for the Apostle Paul's existence is found in the following ancient literature. Clement of Rome cites Paul in his letter to the church at Corinth (c. 95 C.E.). Irenaeus (140-202 C.E.) cites Paul in his work "Against Heresies." There is also a description of Paul's physical appearance in the apocryphal work "Acts of Paul and Thecla." Then, of course, there is Peter's reference to Paul in 2 Peter 3:15 and Luke's discussion of Paul's ministry in the book of Acts.
Clement of Alexandria implied that he had personal acquaintece with Paul. He wrote: " "Let us set before our eyes the good Apostles . ...By reason of jealousy and strife Paul by his example pointed out the prize of patient endurance. After that he had been seven times in bonds, had been driven into exile, had been stoned, had preached in the East and West, we won the noble renown which was the reward of his faith, having taught righteousness unto the whole world and having reached the farthest bounds of the West; and when he had borne his testimony before the rulers, so he departed from the world and went unto the holy place, having been found a notable pattern of patient endurance."
Ignatius of Antioch also referred to Paul around 97AD. He said: " "I do not enjoin you as Peter and Paul did. They were Apostles, I am a convict; they were free, but I am a slave to this very hour."
Polycarp also referred to Paul: " "For neither am I, nor is any other like unto me, able to follow the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul, who when he came among you taught face to face with the men of that day the word which concerneth truly carefully and surely; who also, when he was absent, wrote a letter unto you, into the which if ye look diligently, ye shall be able to be builded up unto the faith given to you, which is the mother of us all, while hope followeth after and love goeth before--love toward God and Christ and toward our neighbor. For if any man be occupied with these, he hath fulfilled the commandment of righteousness; for he that hath love is far from all sin."
OUTSIDE of the church, there isn't anything. But that doesn't surprise me as Paul did not tend to focus on himself, but rejected the idea. They were not to follow Paul, Apollos, or Peter. They were to follow Jesus.
Thanks Christ Alone, I enjoyed reading that.
Paul existed as Andre exists in the WT.
Seriously, what character in the bible exist outside it? People if existed and done all the supposed things would be praised by independent writers.
But from the bible the only existence is the silence from the outsiders.
Band on the Run
I believe Paul existed b/c his writings influenced Christianity. His authentic letters are older than the gospels. When you discard the questionable letters, I like Paul. I used to want to spit on him. Few Christians read the Bible. I never knew he was not an apostle. I believe the WT or maybe just the local KH crowd said that Paul replaced Judas. Not true.
There is no secular documented proof of the apostle Paul's existence, because nobody wrote it down. Paul was just a travelling preacher, like many in his time, and it is only because he was literate that we have any record of him at all. His rise to prominence may have occurred after his death, when it was seen that he had written a doctrinal foundation for Christianity.