I tried to bring some articles to the attention of the Elders. They were probably written by Ray, or he helped with them. They were very balanced as far as our sacred service is concerned. Christians do 2 things, preach about Christ and show love. Both are needed. The Elders really did not care. They even dispute James 1:26,27. The NWT translation footnote says " Worship ". I had an Elder tell me that even though it says worship he would call taking care of widows and orphans sacred service. In the JW mind this is a step below worship. It is really ridiculous and legalistic to split hairs over these two concepts. The funny thing is that KH builds, Field service and Meeting attendance are WORSHIP, but helping and elderly person or widow in need is not. Whatever benefits the WTBTS is worship. It reminds me of the Pharisees. Here is an older article that Raybublisher an I collaborated on if you are interested in reading it.
Two Lies Taught About Ray Franz Jr.
by ÁrbolesdeArabia 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As a kid I remember R&F adults talking about how someone in the GB went crazy. Looking back it was about the time Ray Franz left.
@mouthy, what are the odds of helping JWs who don't attend meetings in their 80s get out of this cult? Is there anything I could say that would get their lights to turn on, the congregation abandons the elderly ones and the old geezers still think it's the cat's meow! What advice would you offer to help elderly dubs see the light?
Charity in the Watchtower's mind is something you take from Cesear, or the Red Cross or FEMA, not something you use your valuable time to help society perform. What a bunch of "takers" and "users" who don't care about their neighboors.
When a natural disaster hits, the first thing a JW say's "I hope the brothers are ok!" I have never heard the Witnesses say "I hope everyone is ok!" They don't care about non-JWs, they show contempt for weaklings at the Kingdom Hall, just like the Pharisees in Jesus time they behave.
"Oh Jehovah, thank you I am not like these worldy people or rich brothers who spend all their time working while I stay at home on Welfare!"