Quantum world POSSIBLY affects the macro world

by John_Mann 12 Replies latest social current

  • John_Mann

    Migration via quantum mechanics

    A perplexing property of quantum mechanics could be allowing birds to see and navigate the planet’s magnetic fields

    One-fifth of Earth's 10,000 bird species migrate over great distances, crossing seemingly insurmountable obstacles as they follow the seasons.

    Demoiselle Cranes fly to altitudes in excess of 20,000 feet as they pass over the Himalayan Mountains. The Arctic Tern travels from pole to pole in pursuit of an endless summer, a distance of some 40,000 miles.

    Scientists have long speculated that certain animals are making use of magnetic fields to find their way, but biologists are mystified as to how they might do it.

    Now some answers might be coming from one of the most perplexing interactions in physics.

    Quantum entanglement dictates that if two electrons are created at the same time, the pair will be “entangled” so that whatever happens to one particle affects the other. Otherwise, it would violate fundamental laws of physics.

    The two particles remain entangled even when separated by vast distances.


    Could our mind be caused by quantum properties too?

  • frankiespeakin

    Some researchers are say that the distance between the synapses connecting neurons is small enough for quantum tunneling of electrons which may be the impulse carrier instead of electro-chemical or a combination of both.

    Here are 3 links that discuss pro&cons of the Quantum mind. You will have to paste these links in your adress bar to find out more. You can also click on anything blue.


    Theoretical physicist Roger Penrose and anaesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff collaborated to produce the theory known as Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR). Penrose and Hameroff initially developed their ideas separately, and only later cooperated to produce Orch-OR. Penrose came to the problem from the point of view of mathematics and in particular Gödel's theorem , while Hameroff came from a career in cancer research and anaesthesia.........


    For those who are quantum mind afficionados, check out the following article from Science Magazine. The title of the article is "Cold Numbers Unmake the Quantum Mind," by Charles Seife. The basic argument is that temperatures in the brain are too high for atoms, photons, or electrons to remain in a super position of states for longer than 10**-13 (12 zeros after the decimal) seconds. Since neural processes operate on the order of milliseconds there is no way (the argument goes) for the brain to take advantage of quantum effects. Stuart Hammeroff makes a vague, informal suggestion that the brain might have a way around this problem.....


    In many philosophies, the conscious mind is considered to be a separate entity, existing in a parallel realm not described by physical law. Some people claim that this idea gains support from the description of the physical world provided by quantum mechanics. Parallels between quantum mechanics and mind/body dualism were first drawn by the founders of quantum mechanics including Erwin Schrödinger , [1] Werner Heisenberg, [2] Wolfgang Pauli, [3] Niels Bohr, [4] and Eugene Wigner [5]

  • John_Mann

    But I don't see the how a quantum mind could be considered a not material mind. I think the quantum computing will be virtually identical to human mind. And this kind of computing seems to be very possible as long the nature itself can use it. It's fascinating to me how the biology can link so close to physics.

  • oldlightnewshite

    The entangled electrons in my brain must be guiding me home from the pub when I'm rat-arsed drunk. I never know how I managed to do it the day after.

  • frankiespeakin


    You have heard I'm sure, that string theory has as many as 11 dimentions they they say they may go to 15 but degrade back down to 13 then 11.

    So the quantum world is unseeable because were talking subatomic impossible to focus photons on to give us any visible detail, measurement mathimatically is all we have to go by. Our brain is a measuring device with hard wireing, software, and programability just look at some of these gifted savants:


    No doubt with a Quantum computer given the doubling in processing power that is occurring now every 18 months steady for some time now they estimate in the future it will be able to preform calculations in a few days what it would have taken the life of a universe with our current processing power now.

  • Satanus

    We are quantum creatures, living in a holographic universe.


  • frankiespeakin

    Put this in your address bar.

    Savant the formula for genius:


  • John_Mann

    We are not quantum creatures.

    We do not live in a quantum scale and we were not created.

    We are evolved beings (living in the metric scale) who (maybe) use some quantum properties in our senses.

  • prologos

    we are definitely entangeld. my wife and i think the same thing before talking, whoever is faster wins. but seriously, in our brain,- made or developed-, there is not only synapses but also the gaps in the white connections to make the transmission of impulse faster via wifi rather than chemical-electric alone. so, another bridge where entanglement could enter. Of course the spiritual (extra dimensional) domain could have material embodyments. thankfully we will never learn everything for goodness sake. blessings:

  • sabastious
    We are quantum creatures, living in a holographic universe.

    If I am holding a spoon is it really there?


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