A-Watcher: How would you feel if you were sexually molested by one of the "holy ones or glorious princes who worked at HQ", the princes set to rule over the New World?
What kind of Organization would tell you "we can't do anything about this brother because we took care of matters already, to dig up this case would not be good for the Kingdom Hall or Circuit? Why can't you allow yourself to be wronged? If you insist on attacking this brother, realize our hands are tied due to "double jeopardy", we punished this brother with private reproof, the elder body voted to keep him on as COBE, why do you insist on pushing so hard? The Circuit benefits from his hard work, please leave this one alone!" Brother pedophile removed my brother from his position of elder, he accused my brother of gambling and gossiping against the Organization, my big brother sent an OP Ed to the newspaper to expose the mishandling of several cases locally, but recanted after the Body threatened him with a quick df'ing, so he told the newspaper, "I retract my letter to the editor"
Why would a victim like Candance Conttii, victims Barbara Anderson and Silent Lambs be stumbled by wicked men? I said nothing about losing my relationship with Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, I said I was stumbled by the mishandling, hiding of sins (Eli hid his sons sins and lost Jehovah's favor) and backroom deals I witnessed take place. With a certainty, I do confess Jehovah is not allowing men to mock his name, I believe a great cleansing (if he decides to continue to use this vechile) will remove some of the deeply entrenched men pleasing members.