I have to wonder if some of them did, especially when it first came out. My guess would be the ones featured prominently in the book. Franz speculated on different directions the WT doctrine might eventually take and he was proved right. Perhaps his ideas were considered by some to be good solutions to the corners they painted themselves into and stolen on that basis. It would be hard to believe that no Governing Body member has ever read the book.
Which Governing Body Members Do You Believe Read "Crisis Of Conscience"?
by JimmyPage 11 Replies latest jw friends
I honestly dont know. I think Freddie Franz but he was never a tru JW as in a rank and file. he was a leader a chosen one. I think he thought he was different apart chosen by g-d. I really dont think they have the ability to reason outside of their compound. He lived their from the twenties and had yes men all around. Do Muslims believe they are wrong as they blow themselves up? Losing money and members will cause change that is why we are here.
wha happened?
I think the temptstion would be too great NOT to read it. They knew his abilities.
They would have known the content anyway, I think they all probably did out of curiosity, or at least had someone paraphrase it so they would be able to defend their actions
I totally agree, wha. I know if I was featured prominently in someone else's book I would definitely want to know what was being said.
All of 'em.
They kept (keep?) "apostate" books in an out-of-the-way closet at Bethel; kinda pointless to have books around and not read 'em.
Besides, how the hell else were they gonna know if they could sue Ray? 'Cause I can guarantee they would have wanted to.
I doubt any of them read the book, none of the group who disfellowshiped Brother and Sister Vasquez have a Conscience to sink into a crisis.
The elderbody that RayP recorded, should not complain one bit, I know elders who secretly recorded brothers without telling the. Now I find the Governing Body used recording equipment to entrap their own, using third hand gossip to charge Sam Dunlap, Ray Franz, The Vasquez (Spanish Translators Living at Bethel-ze-bub) were treated worse than water-boarding.
The GB don't care about the Holy Bible, their concern is to prevent Christians from entering into the Kingdom of God, receiving glory by bowing to each other, and using their counterfiet religion to rob people of eternal life! I don't care much for those villians or sith lords!
Maybe Gerrit has?!
Could you NOT read a book that had you mentioned in it!
I suspect many if not most of the GB "in power" at the time of its release read it, at least in secret.
Over the years, it has gained a reputation as a sort of "Satanic bible" of apostasy, so I doubt very much that anyone on the current GB has read it.