Watchtower CD

by NeverKnew 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NeverKnew

    How does a person (non-JW) outside the organization get this CD the WT publishes? How much does it cost?

    Note: I'm not asking how much it's worth. I want to know what they'll charge me... or if I can even get it.

    If it's obtainable, I'm hoping it will include some nice spiritual tunes I can add put on my ipod. Kinda like a gospel music/information CD combo.


  • whathappened

    You have to get one from the literature counter at the Kingdom Hall. They are free, but sometimes you have to order it. They don't like giving them to just anybody. Also, there is no music on the Watchtower CD. It has all the publications on it.

    They do have musical CD's, but they also need to be ordered at the literature counter. They usually don't have any spare ones laying around, but perhaps your hall will have some.

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    If you can't get hold of the CD you can get most of their books from here;

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher


    Only Witnesses are allowed to have the WT Library on CD ROM as it is a research tool for brothers and sisters. However, IMHO, I feel that in the not too distant future, we may be "asked" to dispose of all our copies of them, including from our PCs etc., and only use "current thinking" as presented on the Watchtower online Library.

    This would 'kill two birds with one stone' - it would save the Org more money, but more importantly, would prevent brothers and sisters (like myself) discovering the real truth about certain teachings and doctrines, by using such a uniquely comprehensive and illuminating reference work.

    I think it highly unreasonable that the W.O.L. would be produced and regularly updated, just to continue handing out costly CDs by the millions every year. We'll see!

  • BluesBrother

    Only supplied in person to known Witnesses in good standing. However their site has an online library of stuff back to year 2000.

    As The Searcher said , one wonders if the c/d rom will keep going????

  • Left in the Cold
    Left in the Cold

    Hi neverknew, I believe I have the 2008 or 2009 CD. I've downloaded it on my laptop and don't need the disk or want it anymore. If I lost all the info on my laptop I don't really care. Let me look for it. If the version I have is of interest to you, pm me. I'll be checking back later today. That's if you're interested.

  • Gefangene

    it is online! Just enter watchtower library in google and you'll see it. Unfortunately I can't paste links on here..

  • puffthedragon

    its torrentable on the pirate bay

  • Left in the Cold
    Left in the Cold

    Well, I found mine. It's 2009, but I guess no one needs it now.

  • NeverKnew

    I'm sorry, Lefty! I'd LOVE to use this CD.

    Given the responses on other threads, it may help me anticipate the responses to questions I may ask my JW friend.

    Everyone here has been spot on with the responses he's given so I HAVE to imagine he's getting the answers from this same source.

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