Post a picture of the Faithful and Discreet Slave!

by cedars 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper

    Let's boooooggiiiiee...... saith the " unfaithful slave " ! Moses ain't come back from the mountain just yet !

  • cedars

    Here's an interesting picture I stumbled upon of Stephen Lett surrounded by COs.

    If Governing Body members are just ordinary brothers who serve alongside us, why is this particular Governing Body member given such prominence in this photo?

    Stephen Lett


  • cedars

    Here's one man who doesn't need to utilize a combover, and tells us so with his outrageous quiff... Gerrit Losch.

    Gerrit Losch


  • deep-blue-sea


    where did you find such a variety of pictures of these 'holy men'????????

    Regards, Claudia

  • cedars

    Hi Claudia

    I like to use pictures whenever possible in my articles. Sometimes I will be trawling the web for something completely different, but if I see a pic that might interest me in a future article (such as a picture of a Governing Body member) I will save it. It's surprising how many pictures are out there floating around. So many giddy brothers who meet GB members just can't resist posting the evidence on their personal blogs, etc. In many ways, the veneration of the Governing Body (which is encouraged by their own teachings) works against them - because it results in the internet being flooded with their pictures, and not all of them are flattering!

    Here's the final "montage" of Geoffrey Jackson...

    Geoffrey Jackson pictures


  • cedars

    And to complete the set, here are the only widely available pictures (that I know of) of new Governing Body member Mark Sanderson.

    If anyone discovers any new ones, please add them to this thread.

    Mark Sanderson

    Mark Sanderson


  • deep-blue-sea

    Thank you Cedars, you did an excellent job!!!!

    Regards, Claudia

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    untucked shirt and no tie - i was regularly hounded for this.

  • cedars

    Hofer - well observed. I am told the pic was taken at an assembly in the Philippines, and Sanderson is therefore yielding to local custom by wearing formal national dress. However, you're not telling me that all Philippino businessmen walk around their offices in that gear. I'm sure nobody would have been offended if he'd just gone with a regular suit and tie. It's interesting how inconsistent the rules on dress and grooming can sometimes be.


  • DubR

    LMAO if these old heads dont shave their heads and grow facial hair. Wait, maybe its looked down upon to shave their heads bald lol

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