The Turkey and Stuffing were on sale at the store . . .. (Happy Thanksgiving)

by skeeter1 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    Hello all! Remember when we used to have Thanksgiving, under the guise of "The Turkey was on sale...."?

    This year, I'm going to dress up as a Pilgrim. What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

    Us, we are trying to cook a "healthy" Thanksgiving. Out of 20 guests, I have only 1 guest in their weight range and 1 who just had a triple by-pass. Turkey, ham, and pies will be there. But, no casseroles. Just steamed veggies, a sweet/regular potato "bar", salad, and a fruit/veggie tray. And, all have to go out and exercise. I have tennis racquets, bikes, football, and volley ball court nearby.

  • designs

    We cooked our turkey Monday, should be feasting on it for a week. Thursday we travel to a friend's home for a cornish game hen Thanksgiving (all of the women are opposed to Thanksgiving but we get together anyway).

  • notjustyet

    Oh, how I wish some of my uber JW friends would send me a pic of them eating this meal, always on Thanks Giving day with their entire family, cause Jehovah says that when you find a wife, who can find a deal on frozen turkey, you have found a good thing.

    I guess I was a purist in this area as I did not think that under any circumstances that we should eat this meal on that day and probably within a month of that DAY for any reason as it could stumble others. I was like "What are we trying to do here people!!"

    Now I just hope that the turkey is not dried out too much.

    Hint, cook your turkey with the breast down to keep it moist. (God please don't strike me dead for saying that)

    Also, I bet that there are Jw moms everywhere telling their kids "If there ever was a day that you should chew your food thoroughly, it would be today as mommy and daddy don't want to explain to the elders that JR died choking on a piece of turkey on thanksgiving day."


  • perfect1


    Yesterday I asked me mom if she had plans for thxgvng just to be provocative.

    She then felt obligated to ask me- and I told her- and told her her its my favorite holiday.

    Seriously, what can JWs really have against a holiday thats NOT pagan- too recent- 300 yrs old- and there is nothing religious about it- you are just supposed to spend time with your family and reflect on what you are grateful for.

    I love it- but its so sad I cant share times like this with my family.

  • james_woods

    Former Beatle Paul McCartney has made a high-profile public statement for PETA that Americans should not be eating turkey for Thanksgiving out of respect for animals.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    since my family was from Mexico, we just took advantage over the years with free turkeys. Then Mom always put a latin twist to it. Tortillas were always on the table, along with rice and beans and salsa. We had everything else as well except items like yams. When I became a dub, this "holiday" to me was like labor day, or memorial day. It was just a day off. So my ex and I would get the biggest turkey we could find, and invite all our friends over. some got weird. I offered to buy them Macdonalds if it would help thier conscience lol. Everyone ate and no one cared.

    Paul McCartney can go have tofurkey for all I care.

  • james_woods
    Paul McCartney can go have tofurkey for all I care.

    The news commentator said that maybe Sir Paul had all the Turkey he wanted with his last few album releases...

  • Mum

    I wondered about Thanksgiving because it did not seem to me to be a "pagan" holiday. Of course, I never expressed my thoughts to anyone. Thanksgiving is simply a feast to give thanks for a good harvest and share the same with family, friends, neighbors and strangers. If it honors anyone, it is the Pilgrims (who were very much like JW's) and the Native Americans who helped them survive.


  • undercover

    So I've got JW family members who are going to show up for a large Thanksgiving meal thrown by the non-JW members of the family.

    But get this - they can't stay long, they have to go to the Thursday night meeting at the KH, and one of them has a demonstration on the service meeting.


    A JW..

    "It`s not a ThanksGiving Turkey Dinner"..

    Turkey Dinner..

    ...........................  mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

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