1914 - It was the end of the world as we knew it - things got much better!

by TheStumbler 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheStumbler

    I got a reply to my latest email and it was basically just moving the goal posts and special pleading.

    He accepted the world has got better 'physically' in some ways however argued that the world has gotten worse 'spiritually'. This spiritual decline is obvious (although he accused me of not understanding 'spirituality' despite its obviousness) just by 'looking out of the window'.

    This 'spiritual' decline just happens to exhibit itself in ways that are totally unmeasurable such as increased 'selfishness'. He offered no evidence to support the theory that selfishness has increased, it's just self evident apparantly.

    He cherry picked the evidence again by citing an increase in sexually transmitted disease (symptom of spiritual decline) while totally ignoring overall improvements in health and diseases prevention and treatment.

    And he failed to answer my questions (would he prefer to live in 1900, is liberal society a worse moral crime than slavery etc) again. The fact he is avoiding answering these questions directly suggests he is experiencing at least some cognitive dissonence (I hope) because if he genuinely believed the world was better before 1914 then my questions should be easy to answer.

    I take it as a victory of sorts, he clearly can't defend his position that the world is getting worse so has resorted to special pleading. I wonder if he is aware of this (at some level at least) or if he is totally self deluded (years of Watchtower reinforcement that the world is in decline).

    In my response I will ask the same questions again and explain some rules of logic and what special pleading is. Maybe he will recognise recognise the falliciousness in his own arguments. Maybe.

  • pontoon

    So why don't JW's view the "spiritual decline" in the world as something good? If they have the only true religion the world's spiritual decline would at least mean the world is moving away from false religion. Easy to turn that spiritual decline arguement right around on them. Hudson Valley NY

  • TheStumbler

    Here was my latest response. I wasn't sure how to play it, I didnt really want to get into a debate about the 'spiritual' condition of the world because it's such a slippery topic and so subjective. With that in mind, here's my latest reply:

    So now you are claiming that when you refer to ‘world conditions’ you are ‘mainly’ referring to the ‘spirituality of the masses’. However, it took until your fourth email to even mention ‘spirituality’ and the quotes you sent in your original email were clearly not referring to a ‘spiritual’ decline in the world. Have you honestly been referring to spiritual matters all along or are you now just moving the goal posts because you can’t provide any evidence that the world is declining in any kind of real sense.

    What evidence is there for this spirituality? How exactly does one define, or measure a decline in, the ‘spirituality of the masses’, it is such a nebulous concept. You say that people today are more selfish and that this is evidence of a decline in ‘spirituality’ but what evidence is there for an increase in ‘selfishness’?

    For the sake of argument, let’s assume you are right and that ‘selfishness’ has increased. If it is the case that an increase of selfishness is evidence of a decline in ‘spirituality’ why is not also the case that an increase in compassion (such as the abolition of torture and slavery, increase in equality etc) is evidence of an improvement in ‘spirituality’. If you permit that changes in spirituality can affect the physical world shouldn’t we expect to see a deterioration of world conditions parallel to a decline in spirituality? Yet when we look at the evidence we find that the opposite is actually happening. You are cherry picking the facts and arbitrarily restricting the permissible evidence for ‘spirituality’ to only include evidence supportive of your preconceived world view.

    In doing this, you are (unwittingly, I think) committing the logical fallacy of ‘special pleading’. Special pleading is an argument whereby someone defends a position by alleging that the argument should be exempt from contrary evidence without justifying the exemption. Special pleading allows pretty much any contrary evidence to be ignored or explained away. Here is a famous example of special pleading:

    ‘What do you mean, you don’t believe there is a pink elephant in my garage! Oh, well, it’s invisible so you can’t see it and it exists spiritually so it has no corporeal body that you can feel, and it exists ‘spiritually’ so is beyond your comprehension, but I assure you, the elephant exists’

    Your argument is the equivalent of arguing for the existence of an invisible, undetectable pink elephant – it is both untestable and unprovable.

    And you are right to be sceptical of crime statistics but you are however committing the logical fallacy of ‘guilty by association’. It is not enough to argue that some crime statistics are untrustworthy therefore all crime statisticcs are untrustworthy. You have to show specifically why the crime statistics I presented are methodologically flawed.

    Even if you could do this it would hardly help your argument because if crime statistics are not to be trusted then on what basis could you argue that crime has increased since 1914? From what you see out of your window? Should we only be sceptical of crime statistics that disagree with your apocalyptic world view?

    And you still haven’t answered my questions. Would you rather live in 1900 or today? If you believed the world was better in 1900 then should be an easy question to answer. Surely you’d prefer to live in what you believe is a better world, so why are you reluctant to answer? I’ll put it another way, if you could pick any era when you most like to have lived? What point in history did people enjoy better health, longer lives, high living standards and more rights that today? Your reluctance suggests a lack of conviction in your belief that the world was better in 1900.

    And secondly, do you believe liberal society is a worse moral crime than slavery, torture, subjugation of women, religious oppression, and the exploitation of children combined? Because if not, how can you argue that the world has experienced a decline in moral values?

    I wonder what reply I get...

  • TheStumbler

    I once saw a quote on here on a thread about a similar subject. It was basically some 15th century (bishop or monk, I think) complaining that the current generation was more evil and wicked than the last and that this was a sure sign that the end was 'just round the corner'.

    anyone know what this qoute was?

  • jgnat

    I adore you already for quoting two of my favorite people; Steven Pinker and Hans Rosling.

    "...divorce rates, children being born out of marriages..."

    The last time I looked at the Canadian marriage statistics, the divorce rate is declining. This is another case of broad public opinion being twenty years behind the facts.

    I think it is Hans Rosling that noted that as health, wealth, and stability rises, birth rates decline. If a young girl has no hope of succeeding through education and independence, she might as well get pregnant! So for most of the world where prosperity and stability is rising, you will see a decline in children born out of wedlock.

    You might have noticed that it doesn't pay to shoot your whole load on your first engagement with the willfully ignorant. Lead with a question or a single factlet.

    He said: the world is declining

    You said: Plenty of evidence to the contrary; human rights, health, and mortality rates to name a few.

    He said: but morality is declining

    Your best effort

    He said: but, but...spirituality is declining


    By the way, I thought it was Socrates who complained about the decline of youth. A discussion thread here indicates the origin is obscure.


    "Then, as I was saying, our youth should be trained from the first in a stricter system, for if amusements become lawless, and the youths themselves become lawless, they can never grow up into well-conducted and virtuous citizens." - Socrates, Plato's Republic, book 4 (424 BCE to 347 BCE)

    "I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words. When I was a boy, we were taught to be discrete and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise and impatient of restraint.” - Hesiod, 8th century

    Eve of Destruction lyrics, Barry McGuire (1965)

  • TheStumbler

    Thanks for the qoutes, I would like to strengthen my argument that the belief that the next generation is degenerate from the last has always been around.

    I got the plato quote from Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted World. I just happened to have read that book recently so it stuck in my mind. pretty interesting book - although even Sagan himself falls pray to the belief (in later chapters) that today's youth are not as disciplined/educated as his generation. He believed there's been a dumming down of culture and education.

  • TheStumbler

    Is it 'prey' or 'pray'?

  • Emery

    Great email stumblir. I would have posed the question, "Would you rather have lived in 1900 without air conditioning or now?" open and shut case, Johnson.

  • jgnat


  • TD
    He accepted the world has got better 'physically' in some ways however argued that the world has gotten worse 'spiritually'. This spiritual decline is obvious (although he accused me of not understanding 'spirituality' despite its obviousness) just by 'looking out of the window'.

    LOL - How could the world be getting worse spiritually with the revival of "True religion" the appointment of the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" and the "Global Preaching Work" being carried out on an unprecedented scale? (Said with tongue firmly in cheek)

    Even by JW standards, that's braindead. Would it have been better to have lived in the mid 1800's and followed some other religion?

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