Ok duh I knew that as does millions of Christians but oh wow will jw’s have a field day with this. Somehow the Pope’s word now will be taken as proof the Truth is right. Everything else he says is the words of satan but this oh this is the true Gospel. Get ready guys and girls. Hope you can come up with a good reply to help the cause. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/the-pope/9693576/Jesus-was-born-years-earlier-than-thought-claims-Pope.html
OK the the Pope just said christ wasn't born on Dec. 25th
by trujw 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
wha happened?
another fart in the wind for dubs
still thinking
He knows....he was there.
Yup wha happened this is going straight to District Assemble talks outlines around the world as we speak.
... or any other day, either.
When he admits that part publicly, let me know!
That,s just great, I can hear it now we were right. We may have
been wrong 99% of the time but we got this one right, praise Jehovah.
"The Light Gets Brighter" even for Catholics it seems.
Actually - it all makes sense now. The Catholics are going to make a bid to purchase the WT society. The WT is warming up JW's for the idea of follwing earthly direction from the GB without question - and the Cathoics are making some doctrinal changes to accomodate the merger.
- Lime
Who are we to run ahead of God's pope? Doesn't God trust him fully shoudn't we? Is it pride that keeps us from accepting New light? Evidently some have tried to run ahead of the Catholic Church and his channel of communication. A side note don't look at or read anything the pope doesn't write or talk about.
The Watchtower will now say that Christ was born on December 25th after all.
Because the Pope's always wrong, isn't he?
It might make little or no difference. Most people simply celebrate Christmas because December 25 is the day chosen to honor Jesus. I still celebrate it because it's the day the sun is "reborn" off the Cross of the Zodiac, and that is independent on the birthday of some fictitious character more than 2,000 years ago.
A few would try to stop celebrating Christmas, and stop others from enjoying it. We already see that, as there are fundamentalist Christians that try to stop it. How they whine that people are shopping (instead of tithing), putting up decorations (aside religious ones) that people actually look forward to, decorating a Christmas tree (usually either a fake one or one grown specifically for this purpose, usually recycled into mulch afterward), wasting all that energy running [LED] lights instead of wasting energy driving to church, and singing Christmas songs that as often as not have little or nothing to do with Jesus. Let the pope declare that this nazarene was born in October, and you are going to find a few abusive, self-righteous, "pleasure is sin" idiots trying to pass laws against having Christmas. Already, a few church groups are suggesting a "no shop" Christmas where you give up shopping, decorating, and partying and simply attend a special church session and tithe the money you would otherwise have spent on Christmas.
I believe that Christmas has multiple meanings to different people and make no pretense that it should be abolished. Rather, people should observe it in the way that brings the most pleasure (without, of course, blasting your music so loud that everyone in the city goes deaf or drink driving) for you. People should be honest and ask if the religious aspect is enhancing their enjoyment, or adding a measure of guilt that prevents full enjoyment of the fine holiday. Perhaps a reverse "no shop" is in order--doing a "no tithe" and putting funds you otherwise would have tithed with into Christmas. Buy gifts you see fit to. Decorate, and spend the money on LED lights without guilt (they use much less electricity than regular ones, last longer, and could replace other lights in your house while they are on). Put LED lights on your Christmas tree and leave them on--it's much safer than the regular ones (if you have a real cut tree, make sure it stays well watered). Does it really matter if Jesus was born on December 25, or at all? The sun is reborn from the Cross of the Zodiac, which is verifiable. Isn't that reason enough for the season?