How does life change after you have children?
by Most Noble 20 Replies latest jw experiences
Broken Promises
You wife's hu-hu closes up and she loses all desire in you.
Wow - how much time have you got?
Previously you would say somthing like "let's go out for lunch" and 10 minutes later you were in the car heading for a relaxing time at your favourite cafe.
Instead you will now feed and change baby. Get ready in relays while trying to get his/her wind up. Get changed twice becasue baby finally burped and then puked all over your favourite jeans. Then you load the car with change of clothes, nappys, pushchair toys etc and put baby in car seat. Get baby out of car seat, change nappy again, get back into car.
Drive to a cafe/restaurant you don't like too much because your favourite one isn't child friendly. You get the picture?
Having children was the most rewarding thing we ever did.
finally awake
every single thing about your life changes. you don't get to sleep when you want, you don't get to eat when you want, and you don't get to watch what you want on tv. but it's worth it, or so i've heard :p
I'll also add:
Enjoy and savor every precious moment of it. It will pass so quickly that you will wonder where their childhood went.
little dick-taters! They take over your life. Your wife is no longer your hot roommate, she has other things to attend to and she'll get to you as soon as she can, but "first things first!"
Make the most of it. They're the best years of your life!
It,s not about you anymore, your priority in life change.
All that you do from the birth of your first child until the day
you die will be for the benefit of your childrens.
its great except when they flop on the floor and have a meltdown! i love having a kid
you don't get to sleep when you want, you don't get to eat when you want, and you don't get to watch what you want on tv.
That happens when you get married.
You're kidding, right?