Some years ago, I heard from an ex-CO who left the borg after the 1980 fallout that Frederick Franz was extremely outspoken on the subject of gluttony, obesity and staying fit. He frequently took the stairs instead of the elevator and asked others to do the same as much as possible. Also, whenever the opportunity presented itself, he would also call out bethelites on their eating habits if he noticed even a hint of body fat on them. Given the information on page 67 of Shepherd the Flock of God (2010), which Governing Body members would Freddy Franz have removed from the GB right now if he were still alive today? I’m thinking that Samuel Herd would be the first to go. Possibly even Gerrit Losch and Jeoffrey Jackson… What say you?
Which Governing Body Members would Frederick Franz have removed for being "slightly obese"???
by Calebs Airplane 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Geoffrey Jackson gets my vote. He would win in a sumo contest.
GJ is fatter than me!
St George of England
The new guy, Mark Sanderson is not exactly a fly weight.
Not having to work for a living, do jobs around the house etc probably contributes to their problem.
Edit: GJ may lose some weight when he gets married.
rip van winkle
How can someone be "slightly obese"? You either are obese or are not.
Yeah, I'm with RVW on this one, "slightly obese" is likely "slightly pregnant" or "slightly dead."
It does not compute!
Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat. A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight. The most common measure of obesity is the body mass index or BMI. A person is considered overweight if his or her BMI is between 25 and 29.9; a person is considered obese if his or her BMI is over 30.
"Morbid obesity" means that a person is either 50%-100% over normal weight, more than 100 pounds over normal weight, has a BMI of 40 or higher, or is sufficiently overweight to severely interfere with health or normal function.
From the Shepherd the Flock of God, which the OP referenced but did not quote:
Gluttony: (Prov. 23:20, 21; w04 11/1 pp. 30·31) A glutton routinely shows a lack of restraint, even gorging himself on food to the point of feeling uncomfortable or becoming sick. Gluttony is determined, not by someone's size, but by his attitude toward food. - STFOG, p. 67 - Emphasis in original
So according to this, you can be obscenely obese and still not be a glutton as long as you have the "right attitude" toward food: you never eat "to the point of feeling uncomfortable or becoming sick." On the other hand, some skinny whinnies could be gluttons if they have the "wrong attitude".
The GB fatties get lots of "latitude" 'cause they got's the "right attitude."
I'm just sayin' is all!
Let's review: It's a cult!
Calebs Airplane
RVW and 00DAD...
you're right... i actually stole the phrase "slightly obese" from a "mystery shopper's" report that my brother-in-law showed some years ago. he was a manager of a major chain vitamin store and this mystery shopper came in and found everything in order. the only thing he could write on his report to hdq is that my brother-in-law was slightly obese... so that phrase sort of stuck with me ever since. the good thing that came from this is that my brother-in-law has lost that weight and kept it off since then.