Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Thanksgiving?

by God_Delusion 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sizemik

    Tell them eating turkey is happifying . . . they might it a go.

  • rebel8

    Here is the reasoning about the Pagan thing.

    It's always seemed like a stretch to me. So various cultures had a tradition of having a big dinner after harvest. And?

  • tiki

    and those pilgrims in what was the "new world" to them were here escaping religious persecution because they were quite fanatical zealots. they were thankful to be here away from their tormentors, yet in a very short time they began persecuting others more liberal minded than they. read about some of their tactics and you'll think kh's are pretty damm soft in comparison.

    why no thanksgiving? no mother's day, father's, birthday, no holiday. one holiday a year - the memorial - and what rejoicing and communal spirit does that foster? ahhhh...you get to sit in a kh and listen to the same dialogue you've listened to for how many years you've beem going....and watch the most absurd passing of the "emblems".... real fun occasion....

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