Service on holidays= unannounced visitors

by Honeybucket 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tiki

    options: hear the knock on door or bell.....go to not open it.....and announce "NOBODY HOME". walk away and see how long it takes them to get the message. warning - be prepared for some more door banging, depending on how hell-bent they are at getting at you...............

    option: open door an inch or so, smile sweetly and say in your most sugary voice "I'm so sorry - I don't have any time for idle chit-chat today." Close door.

    option: ignore the banging at the door......swear silently all the invectives that make you feel at peace, and know that they'll disappear in a bit.....

  • jam

    I played around of golf, when I return home the wife told

    me they(JW,s) were out in force on Thanksgiving. She was in bed

    watching as they went from door to door. When they arrived at

    our gate, one took out a notebook and looked up at our address

    closed the notebook, closed our gate and moved to the next house.

    I think they finally got the message. That crazy apostate lives there.LOL

  • Honeybucket

    Jam that is awesome you get to play golf in NOVEMBER! I live in the Pacific Northwest, therefore most and all outdoor sports are postponed until May.

    I wonder how often the witnesses get scolded for buggin people on holidays. Can I throw cold water on them when they come to the door without going to jail. Is that considered assault?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    Can I throw cold water on them when they come to the door without going to jail. Is that considered assault?

    As annoying they are, I don't think they warrant having water thrown on them. If someone did that to my JW relative, I would not be amused!

  • Honeybucket

    Not a nice thing to do.. Agreed.. If someone threw water on me, Id be pissed, but I probably wouldnt go out in service on a holiday EVER AGAIN. Learning a lesson the hard way.

    Would it make it any better if it were warm water?

    (Keep in mind I am a sarcastic person, dont take things I say as literal)

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