I borrowed a Jerry Garcia doll from my mom, and I'm making him a Sparlock outfit. I'm going to strap him to the top of the big tree and put it in front of the living room window. I will post pictures when I get him finished.
Christmas tree topper
by finally awake 23 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
Please do so! I might post photos of my tree. It is very boring compared to you. A flashing sign welcoming JWs for some holiday cheer, pointing to the tree, would be funny.
nuthouse escapee
BWAHAHAHA, that is great, can hardly wait to see the pics. -Leslie-
** ahem **
finally awake
LOL Shamus
finally awake
Partially done - I'm waiting on the wand to dry.
finally awake
COme on people, tell me how cute he is!
very cute! I want one!
Broken Promises
He IS cute, and you're very clever with your hands.
FA, that is very cute. You and Zid should team up and create a Sparlock Dragon.