Can someone please tell me in the simplest ways? Thanks
I do not understand... How does the theory about when Jerusalem was destroyed relate to the JW?
by FingersCrossed 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You can read about this at JWFacts, among other places.
The Watchtower uses vaguely-Bible-based dating, starting at the fall of Jerusalem, to show that Jesus returned (invisibly) in 1914 to inspect their organization and then approve it as the only True Religion in 1919. But that works only if Jerusalem fell in 607 BC (as the Watchtower claims), not 587 BC (as accepted by historians).
Basically, it is critical to the 1914 doctrine that the 2nd coming occurred that year. That requires Jerusalem to fall in 607 BCE in fulfillment of the "7 times" prophecy. That prophecy essentially assigns one "time" to a year of 360 days. Thus 7 times is 2520 days. 7 x 360 = 2520 As applied, there is an absence of a representative earthly king on God's representative throne in the earth for 2520 years from the time of the fall of Jerusalem, actually, the removal of its last king, Zedekiah that same time. There are 2520 years between 607 BCE and 1914. Of course, technically that date is false on several levels.
1. For one, the 70 years begin in year 23, the year of the last deportation, and not the year Jerusalem falls.
2. 607 BCE is based on the return occurring in 537 BCE. This is part of the revised chronology. The actual return occurs when the 1st of Cyrus is dated to 455 BCE.
3. Even when JWs add 70 years to 537 BCE, they still date the fall of Jerusalem in year 18 of Nebuchadnezzar II instead of year 19. This is not an option. Jerusalem falls in year 19, specifically, not year 18.
So besides having the absolute dating wrong, 607 BCE is wrong x 2 based on the "relative chronology" as well; that is, Jerusalem should be dated to year 19 instead of 18, and the 70 years dates back to year 23 and not year 18.
JWs get a lot of mileage out of 1914 since that is when WWI began, which they use as some degree of proof Satan was kicked out of heaven that year. However, 1914 is misapplied 2 out of 3 times by the Witnesses. 1914 is a good date to date the "last generation" from 1914-1994, since that generation begins with a world war (i.e. nation vs. nation and kingdom vs. kingdom). So that much is correct. But it is not the "end of the gentile times" which occurs on November 30, 1947 when the Jews actually regain control over their promised land from the gentiles. And it is not the date of the second coming, which actually occurs near the very end of the last generation, that corrected date being 1992. So even the popular secular date of 587 BCE for year 18 of Neb2 has been corrected by astronomical texts confirming the correct year and confirming revisionism of astronomical texts during the Seleucid Period.
Why the revised timeline was preferred over the original is a matter of debate. But we did find the Jews revising the Book of Esther in the 3rd Century CE to ajust for the revised timeline. Obviously, Jews who deny Jesus Christ fulfilled being the promised messiah would have a conflict of itnerest to support the true timeline and would benefit if the false teimeline became authentic for the general public. Correcting the timeline officially opens up a huge can of worms, therefore, since once the timeline is corrected, an immediate shift to who throughout time continued to support a lie becomes of interest. As it appears to me based on my own research, the current revised timeline appears to be an "Illuminati-protected" propaganda.
Lars do you think all Christians go to Heaven and who compose the 144,000 figurative or literal number?
Thank you for your explanation. But is there any Biblical basis at all on this? I mean such a huge importance to the validity of the existence of org who has the only "truth", it should be mentioned as frequently and as clearly in the Bible isn't it?
Where in the Bible that mentioned about the organization? And how can one be sure that the WTBS IS the one that is mentioned in the Bible?
Sorry - this thread is a "JW for Dummies" thread
The interpretation of the secondary fulfilment goes as follows;
- The cutting down of the tree represents the destruction of the Kingdom of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar in 607 B.C. the commencement of the Gentile Times
- The "seven times" constitute 2,520 days, 7 years of only 360 days each
- The "principle" of "a day for a year" converts 2,520 days to 2,520 years
- The 2,520 years of the Gentile Times ended in 1914, coinciding with the start of Jesus' heavenly rulership
- 3.5 years (plus a bit more) leads to 1919, when the Governing Body were chosen
PS, don't expect it to make sense.
FingersCrossed, please disregard the comments of Larsinger58. He believes he is the Messiah and has developed a quite elaborate alternative history of the world to support his delusion.
For information about why 607 is relevant to JWs, visit the JWFacts link already cited by an earlier poster. I also have some information here.
FingersCrossed, if you can find a 'Live Forever' book in a dumpster somewhere, there is an explanation on page 141 of that book.
Using your Bible, you have to combine Daniel 4:10-37, Ezekiel 21:25-27, Luke 21:24, Revelation 12:6&14 and Numbers 14:34.
And oh yeah, you have to calculate all that using the imaginary date of 607 b.c.... LOL