Freddy Franz, the great WT prognosticator, had a lot of time on his hands in the 1950’s to come up with the strangest end-time assertions and create a sense of urgency. Occasionally, he would even prognosticate approximate amounts of JWs who would actually survive Armageddon and never die. For example…
Already there are reported over a half million serving as witnesses in the newborn land with the New World society. Are we willing to work on until Jehovah God has made the blessed population of the theocratic land to number, say, millions , who for having fled there and faithfully living there will survive Armageddon and need never die off the face of the new earth? If we are willing, God’s good news of the Kingdom and his warning of vengeance for the foes of the Kingdom must be our message down till Armageddon and we will not let those words of God depart from our mouths until the desolation of Satan’s old world is complete and the earth as well as heaven is clean. That supreme event is near! – Watchtower September 15, 1953 page 570 paragraph 16
But Freddy had about 3 months to “rethink” this and then decided to reduce the number of Armageddon survivors to only "hundreds of thousands":
Particularly since 1935 he has done the same thing for the many captive “other sheep,” prisoners in the same Babylonish world. By bringing them out Jehovah began having the desirable ones of all nations come in, that thus his house of worship might be filled with glory. (Hag. 2:7, AS) He knew that the limited thousands of the remnant were not the only ones now on earth who wanted to worship God aright. Mankind, who are made of the earth, were originally made for worshiping the live, true God on earth forever. In tune with that original purpose, Jehovah will have such worshipers on earth forever, and so he starts right now with having such on earth for good. He starts with the hundreds of thousands of the “great crowd” of other sheep, who will survive Armageddon and, keeping integrity, will never die . – Watchtower 15 December 1953 page 758 paragragh 32
Now why would Freddy say millions would never die and then hundreds of thousands will never die? Maybe his jewish “body guard” Natheer Salih has something to do with this… who knows?