JW's just called

by l p 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Splash

    It's a new effort to target reaching the deaf. Was a KM article about it quite recently.


  • cantleave

    I wish they would call on me - I would really enjoy myself!

  • Jim_TX

    Chaserious & Splash are most likely the most correct. It sounds like the folks that knocked on your door were on a fishing edpedition - looking for deaf recruits.

    I remember when I was still a good lil' JW (well... if that's even possible), I was in charge of the local territories. We had a Spanish Cong that also 'shared' the territory (supposedly). We would occasionally go on a 'fishing' expedition, seeking out those that could only speak Spanish, and give those addresses to the Spanish cong.

    Funny thing is... the Spanisg cong would just go through the entire territory - not even paying attention to those addresses. It was quite a comedy capers on a Saturday morning to knock on a house and get the 'you were just here!' response from the disgruntled person inside the home. After apologizing profusely, and backing quickly away from the door, making a hasty retreat, we would find the other folks from the Spanish cong. If they spotted us first, they'd high-tail it outta there like their pants were on fire.

    I always questioned the guys in charge... I was a bit miffed, especially since we were supposed to 'follow the rules' of not working the spanish speaking homes. I always got the 'well, we'll look into it' response, and nothing was ever done.

    Anyway... in the case of these people knocking on your door asking if any deaf people lived there... you should've given them the 'you people were just here!!!' response, and watch 'em run like cockroaches when the kitchen light is turned on.


    Jim TX

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