There's probably a lot of people here who don't remember me. The short of it is I was dragged into the cult at the age of five, left at age 18 and have never looked back.
There really isn't much for JW issues affecting my life, although I had to give my mother shit for trying to indoctrate my child. I told her that religion was MY job to teach him and not her stupid, twisted version of it full of lies. She's been good since then.
So here's what's been happening lately. I kicked out my wife over two years ago for cheating on me (with her best friend's husband). She got pregnant six months later, and my son now has a half-brother.
The divorce is finally going through. I can't lie, it's been stressful trying to come up with money to pay for my lawyer. My ex's dad was nice enough to give me $400 to help pay for my lawyer fees. That's certainly one way to say "my daughter's a friggin' idiot". I've been working on raising funds for the divorce by selling some stuff I have kicking around here and setting up a donation button on my website (along with requesting people to click on ads). It's going not too badly, and I think I've got enough money to help me for the time being.
I've got my son for half the time. I would like him for more, but from what I hear it's pretty difficult to get that accomplished. I honestly don't want to pay her child support since she'll blow it on crap for herself. That's one area of the law that needs to be revamped.
Now, onto the positives... I met a girl (it always starts that way, doesn't it?) She's been absolutely fantastic. I think my ex is a bit jealous since my gf is 11 years younger than her, and about 1/3 of her size.
She's been going through her own religious transition, and I've been nothing but encouraging for her. She still lives at home. Her parents are ex-hutterites, but they still have religion firmly placed in their lives. My gf has been working on a life without religion and God, and it's been both exciting and difficult for her. Since she's living at home rent free, she still has to pay by attending church every Sunday. She finds it all extremely boring and finds it bothersome that she has to listen to things that she no longer believes.
She's been an absolutely fantastic companion for me, and would have been a better match for me than the bitch I married. Oh well, we're all young and stupid at some point.
Hope all of you are doing well in your various stages of recovery and transition. Life can certainly be a rollercoaster, but the ride can eventually slow down and even end. I never thought that my post-WT years would be so calm.
It's been a while, just popping in
by Nosferatu 10 Replies latest jw friends
I certainly remember you. Interesting stuff in your life. Nice to hear from you. Good luck on your new gf.
I remember you as well. Always enjoyed your observations. Nice to hear that things are going well and that you are coping with the nasty things life can toss at us post-JW. Don't give up on your efforts for more time with your son, especially if your wife is still a JW. My daughter recently went through a court battle and I know the courts in Canada are very favourable towards ensuring that children have equal access to both parents. Good luck!
Black Sheep
It's great to hear from you, Nos. I do wonder how you have been getting on now and again, like if I'm playing with my jukebox or hear about a Nigerian scam, LOL.
I remember you as well. Thanks for the update, and good luck.
I remember you Nos. Sorry to hear of your struggles but it sounds like things might be starting to smooth out for you also.
Yan Bibiyan
Congratulations on the positive developments in your life.
wha happened?
good seeing u again
Thanks for all the well wishes? My ex-wife is not a JW. Maybe she should be :D
Hard to believe I wrote that Nigerian Scam thread ten years ago. I should go back and read it sometime for a good laugh.