Bigfoot Is Real

by metatron 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Finkelstein.... you are just denying the obvious because you dont want to live by rules put on to you from a higher source !

    "Thy shall not hunt, trap, or kill a brother sasquash."

  • flipper

    ENTIRELY POSSIBLE - Nests HAVE been found that are large enough to hold a creature the size of a Sasquatch. Read some of the books I mentioned and you'll see. They are thought to be omnivore's just like human beings and eat deer, vegetation, berries, roots, fish like trout and salmon. There HAVE been sightings of Sasquatches eating berries, fish, roots, as well as chasing deer . The DNA evidence has been under review the last couple years by not only Dr. Jeff Meldrum but other primatologists and scientists as well. The results have not been released totally yet, however it's supposed to be released some time soon. I've hiked 35 years in the Sierra mountains and only ONE time did I run across bones of an animal. Oxidation happens and decay happens quickly in some of these environments. Also predatory animals like coyotes, mountain lions make quick work at getting rid of bodies of any sort out in the mountains.

    FINKELSTEIN- Yes, it's true there have been SOME hoaxes played by idiots trying to gain notoriety and get their 15 minutes of fame , but that does NOT explain all the sightings in every single case, especially in remote areas in back country Sierra Nevada mountains or Canada where not many people go to. Where a person would just be dropped in by helicopter 30 miles in the back country for the hell of it to play a hoax ? I think not.

    Native Americans have spoken of Sasquatch as a FACT not a myth. If you check the book out I mentioned " The Hopa Project " you will see many examples of reliable testimonies of respected members of society. Highly educated professionals have seen this creature and heard it. I have personally seen, touched, and photographed both bear prints AND Sasquatch prints and there is no comparison whatsoever. I'll come back on in awhile and post pictures of both- there IS a difference. I have also heard bear, mountain lion , and Sasquatch roars, and all 3 are different type vocalizations. And what makes you think Bigfoots don't reproduce ? All other animals do, that makes no sense. Just because you feel hundreds of eyewitnesses have allegedly " wild imaginations " does not make YOUR version of reality correct.

    SLIDIN FAST- I don't see why reporting something honestly, accurately that I have experienced would be a letdown to you. Would you rather I lie and be fake and say " Oh, I was just pulling your leg , I've never experienced a Bigfoot " ? Look- I'm a straightshooter. I would like to think if people on this board have respected me for my honesty and credibility for the last 5 years, why on earth would people doubt me because I honestly tell about what I've experienced out in the remote mountain areas my son and I hike in over the last 5 or 6 years ? Personally- I don't give a $hit what anybody thinks. My son and I know what we've experienced, seen, heard and we've done plenty f research on this Bigfoot issue and will continue to do so and hope in time laws will be put forth once it's officially disclosed that will protect the creatre from idiots who want to go and be idiotic " great white hunters " to endanger the creature further. If it's closely related to being a human, laws could be passed indicting people for attempted murder if harm came to Bigfoot.

    Pictures will be upcoming. Peace out. Mr. Flipper

  • EntirelyPossible

    Nests HAVE been found that are large enough to hold a creature the size of a Sasquatch.

    Flipper, I am asking if a Sqasquatch nest has been found.

    There HAVE been sightings of Sasquatches eating berries, fish, roots, as well as chasing deer .

    A sasquatch can run as fast as a deer? That would be biomechanically impossible.

    The DNA evidence has been under review the last couple years by not only Dr. Jeff Meldrum but other primatologists and scientists as well.

    DNA sequencing doesn't take 5 years.

    I've hiked 35 years in the Sierra mountains and only ONE time did I run across bones of an animal.

    I'm 38 and hike and hunt and run across animal bones several times a year.

    Also predatory animals like coyotes, mountain lions make quick work at getting rid of bodies of any sort out in the mountains.

    And yet I still run across bones.

  • flipper

    ENTIRELY POSSIBLE - Yeah, whatever. Sit on your thumb and rotate. I'm not going to debate this with you if you just want to be oppositional about everything I say

  • EntirelyPossible

    Ah, an insult and retreat. A common tactic, also known as "you got nothin".

  • snare&racket

    A 'Sasquash nest'.... if you look carefully you can see his wifi router....

  • skeeter1

    I don't know about Bigfoot, but the Skunk Ape is real!

  • flipper

    ENTIRELY POSSIBLE- No, I have lots of information, but don't care to share it with people with oppositional personality problems. It's a waste of my time. I've got lots of pictures of Sasquatch footprints in my archives of threads I've posted before. If you are REALLY interested with a curious motive ( other than just dismissing me as ignorant in order to bolster your own low self esteem ) feel free to look up my threads with the Bigfoot pictures. The threads are there and YOU can do the work of looking them up yourself and posting the link if you want if in fact you even care

  • Leolaia

    On the more skeptical side, here is a 70-page thread discussing Melba Ketchum and the DNA claim. I haven't read it so I don't know what it brings up, but I think its worth a read.

  • EntirelyPossible

    No, I have lots of information, but don't care to share it with people with oppositional personality problems.

    Sheesh, it's amazing how defensive and insulting people can get when you raise problems with their pet theories. Why is it that those that start the insults and name calling are the always the ones that complain the person they are insulting is a jerk.

    I've got lots of pictures of Sasquatch footprints in my archives of threads I've posted before.

    No, you have pictures of footprints from an animal you can't identify.

    If you are REALLY interested with a curious motive ( other than just dismissing me as ignorant in order to bolster your own low self esteem ) feel free to look up my threads with the Bigfoot pictures.

    I am curious. Really and truly. I have read those threads. They are pictures of a footprint of unknown origin. That doesn't mean they are sasquatch. I never said you were ignorant and, I can assure you, I don't have low self-esteem. That, too, is a common insult slung around by those with nothing to back up what they assert as fact.

    So, if there is REAL evidence, like hair gathered from nest, DNA, bones, corposes, droppings, etc., I would LOVE to see it. But, footprints with unknown origin aren't that. It reminds of the time someone said there were catamount prints on the farm (we live in mountain foothills). I took one look and said "nope, either dog or coyote". I got all kinds of pushback until I simply pointed out that the prints all had their claws out because dogs and coyotes can't retract their claws and cats don't walk with them out (and these were the prints of an animal walking). Unknown origin for this guy did NOT = mountain lion.

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