Are Demons still roaming the bedrooms at Bethel?

by Tanalyst 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tanalyst

    A couple decades ago a bro. tells me an experience that he says I must keep top secret.

    One of his roomates (he lived in a 4 man bedroom) at nite while in bed would see this green form in the likeness of a man in the room. If my memory serves me right, another roomate also saw it, some days later.

    So my friend asks all the roomates if any received anything religious from anyone.The 1st guy to report these demons remembered he recently had received a letter with some religious pictures. They found them and threw them out. The demons no longer bothered them then.

    When he told me this I was in disbelief plus wowed by it. Today the guy that told me this continues crawling up Wt.corporate ladder.

    edited for location - towers in Brooklyn

  • orangefatcat

    Wheres the Ghostbusters when you need them!!

  • sleepy

    I once saw a green shape like a man in my bedroom when on holiday in Rome.
    I was having a dream and I was woken up by someone shaking me on the shoulder.
    I looked to my side and there was no one there.I then looked ahead and saw the green shape which gradualy disappeared.
    At the time I though it was a demon or something like that , but now I think that highly unlikely.
    You own body can produce sensations that feel external.I think why mind was in a semi conscious state of sleep and caused an illusion.

  • sleepy

    Oh yeh I forgot.
    I was told ( by several different people from Bethal)that in the British Bethal they bought a house near by, to use as accomodation for Bethlites.
    Apparently people saw strange figures in the night and heared voices.
    I was told that a box was found in the attic that had books about spells or magic and when they threw them away the strange happening whent away.
    The story is probably more fiction than fact.

  • plmkrzy

    Of course it is. Otherwise the books would have came back.

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"

    This one most definitely Happy
  • jschwehm

    As long as the housekeepers and home overseers search the Bethelites' rooms for offending items there will always be little demons in bethel room. :wink:

    Jeff S.

  • KJV


    My Dad saw the little green demon on many occasions, so did a sister in our Hall. My dad said he had the ugliest and most frightning face. Thats interesting you mention the green demon. In my religion, I will welcome demons of all colors. We are not racist!

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Yeah I am surprised the Jdub didn't try to witness to the green guy. He could have reported the time as incidental witnessing. What I understand is we have here what psychologist refer to as night terrors which is related to sleep walking. As a person wakes up and is coming out of the dream state into consciousness, the unconscious state is still present thus the illusions.. There is always a logical explanation but religious fanatics want to always attach something mysterious and frightening to it.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • BQE

    In my religion, I will welcome demons of all colors. We are not racist!

    LOL!!!! Too funny!!!!!!

  • 2SYN

    Oh boy, here we go with the mad delusional fantasies again. It's actually amazing how a bunch of <relatively> sane people can actually believe this stuff. But then, just being a Dub requires a rather large measure of gullibility, I guess.

    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.


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