
by jam 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    new chapter- what is ur thoughts on vodoo , the prarnormal demon control,etc ?

    I think that people get themselves all worked up over things that cannot hurt them. I think that some people that are prone to believe in such things, bring a great deal of unnecessary distress on themselves when they diagnosis their homes with demon infestation. I think Voodoo is a religion like any other religion, and even though it makes some people afraid because of demon stories, these people are pretty regular and living the same as other believers.

    Being an atheist has freed me of unnecessary fear and worry. I feel bad for people that get all bound up and fearful about things that don't exist. However they make some pretty good fiction, and I'm able to suspend disbelief to flinch at a fun movie. It does not keep me up at night.

  • NewChapter

    So, Unstop, you don't accept Evolution?

  • jam

    unstop; so you are saying the sons of God came down and

    did the nasty with the women? Don,t understand, what,s the

    difference? We all created by God.

  • unstopableravens

    i dont know any one who did voddoo but i know sum who did owegeboard (spelling) they said it work but i dont know and i never like any of the stuff lol

  • NewChapter

    i dont know any one who did voddoo but i know sum who did owegeboard (spelling) they said it work but i dont know and i never like any of the stuff lol

    Well read up on them. Understand how they might be perceived to work, and what is actually happening. Don't reject Evolution until you read about it from scientific sources. I have found that when I read only from those with the agenda to disprove it, I got a very twisted representation of what evolution is and what it is not. In fact, when I took anthropology, I had to work 20 times as hard just to deprogram myself, and I already accepted Evolution.

    I think you have much to learn. Learn about what scares you. Read about it. Consider other options. The world is less fearful that way.

  • unstopableravens

    new chapter im surprized who would ask me that, considering all the talks we have had. jam what im saying is that the sons of god may not have been angels but cannintes .the bible does not say angles had sex with ppl it says sons of god. some believe it was the desendents of cain.

  • NewChapter

    Well now I'm asking you something different, Unstop. You don't believe in Evolution, and I'm asking if you have really learned about it? have you learned about it from academic sources, not not from material that seeks to disprove it at all costs? Just learn the process. Just understand the concepts, and you can still reject it when you are finished.

  • talesin

    o funny, we became atheist and agnostics because

    we read that book (Bible) and thought, what the hell.

    Nope, not me. I just parroted what my parents told me was right, until I was about 14/15, then started to question the existence of a loving father who would allow me and other children to be so abused. The Bible had nothing to do with it. I decided Bible god was a lie when my gay friend hung himself a couple of years later.

    Then, after leaving home, it took a couple of years to rid myself of the programming, and I started looking into "other" gods,,, those of islam, hinduism (there are many) and etc.

    The more I learned, the more it seemed to me that god was a construct - and wow, god sure has a lot of rules!

    Hmmm, then I got to thinking "this religion thing is VERY useful for controlling people".... my reading of history showed me how most rulers were amoral and mostly power-hungry, and wow, if they believed in the gods they purported to believe in, they were going to HELL!

    Then, I remember reading the quote about 'religion is the opium of the masses' (having NO idea it was Marx) and THEN, I listened to John Lennon and realized that yeah, I agreed with him. "I just believe in me".

    I do feel I was born with no god belief.



  • unstopableravens

    i have read some thingsin the past. alot of it is the same problems as believers , there are different beliefs among believers and different theorys about evolution,from non believers.

  • jam

    unstop; Job 1;6 sons of God in his present with Satan.

    Also Job 2;1 38;7 and Jude 6,7 Daniel 3;25

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