Then why are they so silent , in comparison with the Roman Catholic Church of christendom , who they have criticised time and time again in their 100+ years of existance , their is very little, if nothing at all about the other two faiths with a common background . Namely Islam and it`s various sects , and Judaism , with it`s various sects .
How often, if at all, has the Watchtower done an expose of Islam, and it`s many sects , using the Quran/Bible proving the prophet Mohammed is a false prophet .Could it be they are afraid of the backlash it would unleash ? if they did so ? How fearless are they really ?
How often have you read in a WT magazine how Judaism with it`s many sects are now so steeped in false religion that they too will be destroyed at Armageddon? .Maybe they are afraid of being labelled anti-semitic if they do so.How often have you seen a condemnation of the jewish faith as it is practised today by the various sects of judaism in the Watchtower ? Very little if anything at all . And they the ,Jehovah`s Witnesses declare themselves as FEARLESS PROCLAIMERS OF GOD`S KINGDOM . I beg to differ
They are scared of the backlash from Muslims .
They are scared of being labelled Anti-Semitic
Whereas they know the christian element (roman catholics ) will turn the other cheeK