Jehovah`s Witnesses have always declared themselves as fearless proclaimers of Gods truths .....Then why....?

by smiddy 16 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • smiddy

    Then why are they so silent , in comparison with the Roman Catholic Church of christendom , who they have criticised time and time again in their 100+ years of existance , their is very little, if nothing at all about the other two faiths with a common background . Namely Islam and it`s various sects , and Judaism , with it`s various sects .

    How often, if at all, has the Watchtower done an expose of Islam, and it`s many sects , using the Quran/Bible proving the prophet Mohammed is a false prophet .Could it be they are afraid of the backlash it would unleash ? if they did so ? How fearless are they really ?

    How often have you read in a WT magazine how Judaism with it`s many sects are now so steeped in false religion that they too will be destroyed at Armageddon? .Maybe they are afraid of being labelled anti-semitic if they do so.How often have you seen a condemnation of the jewish faith as it is practised today by the various sects of judaism in the Watchtower ? Very little if anything at all . And they the ,Jehovah`s Witnesses declare themselves as FEARLESS PROCLAIMERS OF GOD`S KINGDOM . I beg to differ

    They are scared of the backlash from Muslims .

    They are scared of being labelled Anti-Semitic

    Whereas they know the christian element (roman catholics ) will turn the other cheeK


  • trillaz

    They do this under their breath but via two cut and dry beliefs.

    Anything that is not Christian is "False Religion"

    Any so-called Christianity that is not WTB&TS based is labeled Cristendom to distance it from WTB&TS and is the same as "False Religion"

    Ergo, any non-WTB&TS religion is "false religion". In a funny twist, the WTB&TS religion is closer to both Islam and Judaism than they are followers of Christ.

  • carla

    If they are 'fearless proclaimers', then why are they afraid to tell you who they are at the door? Why must the doors ask them numerous times if they are jw's before they will admit it?

  • punkofnice

    If by 'fearless' they mean 'reckless' then...........oh, yeah!

  • trujw

    I remember once listening to a Christian Radio program that said they wrote a letter to the WBTS to come and speak at their church as long as they could have an hour at the end of their talk of course there was no reply from them. I thought what a great chance for JW’s to witness to these mislead people of Christendom and show them the Truth lol cowards all of them. It just goes to show they prefer the shadows and are only fearless proclaimers in the comfort of their own boasting sessions where they can eject anyone for even raising an eyebrow at the wrong time.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Echoing the previous posts, yeah it goes without saying the WT and JWs don't handle open disagreement too well.


    Try questioning JW`s at your door..

    JW`s are the only people who knock on your door..

    To tell you they are too busy to talk to you..

    ...........................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    lol Outlaw.

  • okage

    Sheep in wolf's clothing. They claim to be fearless, but good luck getting an Elder or higher to climb out of the dank hole that is the WTS for a public debate.

    They claim to be the only door-to-door worldwide preachers. The Krishnas go to airports and the Mormons have been door knocking longer and more effectively than the JWs.

    They claim to have cut themselves off from Satan's world completely, yet they use worldly technology on a daily basis, receive benefits from Caesar's government, and consume the fruits of the work of the wicked from waking to sleeping. The Amish have cut themselves off from Satan's world better and longer than any JW in history.

    So I pay no mind to the legitimacy of their boasts.

  • BluesBrother

    Reach out to Muslims? especially by "exposing" their religion???

    Truth is that there are very, very few dubs in Islamic countries and they know that such an approach just would not work. At the Hall I believe that I have seen brochures designed for witnessing to Muslims, but they are polite and seek common ground rather than confrontation.

    As someone said, they preach but are not always stupid !

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