Robert7, please do NOT allow SPARKY to be "PUT DOWN"!!!!!!

by ziddina 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Robert, I've given you my contact information and I'm going to PM it again - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pass it along to whomever has the cat right now.

    I have pets, and it would KILL ME to think that, if I were dreadfully sick or lay dying, that my beloved pets were going to be dumped into an animal pound or put down, just because no one would take them....

    To you, perhaps, it's just a cat, but the cat WAS Oompa's 'friend', and I'd like to try to save him.

    As to 'biting' - heck, I've two cats right now who are - actually, WERE - 'biters'. They BOTH stopped biting after they'd been here in a loving, stable environment for a while - well, that, and when they bit me, I grabbed 'em by the scruff and told them in no uncertain terms that THAT sort of behavior would not be tolerated...

    Both have stopped biting - well, Chomper [guess how HE got his name?] still gives me little 'love nips', but nothing like he used to...

    So PLEASE, let's NOT write off Oompa's cat yet!!!


  • talesin

    Love ya, Ziddy! Your heart is as big as the great outdoors, and I feel the same way you do about our other-specied friends.

    If they want to, Oompa's kids can ship kitty to Flipper. It's all about whether they really give a ***.

    I'm thinking that Sparky is feral, and would do well with Flipper, so let's hope they have a .



  • ziddina


    Well, I just spoke with a very nice receptionist at Oompa's company in North Carolina, I've given her my contact information, have EMPHASIZED that I have had experience with "biting" cats and am willing to take Sparky...

    She's going to pass the information along to Oompa's widow - I didn't feel right talking to the widow about this, but the receptionist promised that she'd get the info to her ASAP.

    I've also left my info for both of Oompa's sons....

    And I'm going to leave my cell phone on all day long - unusual for me; I habitually turn it off if I'm at home.


    We'll see what happens.

  • talesin

    I hope Sparky is still with us, sweetie.

  • ziddina

    Me too!!!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I can't help in a practical way; I'm on the wrong continent and allergic to cats but if there's a need for a whip round to get Sparky to his new home I will gladly help.

  • ziddina

    Thanks, Mickey Mouse!!

    ?? ?? What the heck is a "whip round"???

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    how did this work out?

  • ziddina

    I'm getting various versions of a very confused story...

    First Robert7 posted his thread:

    which stated that the cat bit someone and therefore couldn't remain in his current location... A VERY worrisome post, by the way - animals have been put down for less.

    Then we didn't hear from Robert7 for 6 days... Despite two very REAL offers of assistance from both Flipper/Mrs. Flipper and myself...

    Then we hear that the cat had been given back to Oompa's sons....

    I finally got desperate and called the place of business, leaving messages for the sons and the widow, letting them know that I - and Flipper/Mrs. Flipper - are VERY interested in helping this cat.

    So far - nada. No response, no information.

    But after the nut-job idiocy by certain "Jeheshuaites" towards poor Oompa's family, I guess I'm not too surprised if they've written us off as nutjobs... But I just hope that the poor cat will be all right.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    this doesn't sound good

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