" Alot of people who leave the "truth" also seem to start runnign around packing every sort of bad behavior possible into the shortest amount of time."
Yeah right, sounds like wishful thinking to me.
by DATA-DOG 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
" Alot of people who leave the "truth" also seem to start runnign around packing every sort of bad behavior possible into the shortest amount of time."
Yeah right, sounds like wishful thinking to me.
Alot of people who leave the "truth" also seem to start runnign around packing every sort of bad behavior possible into the shortest amount of time.
Not me. I still hate smoking, people who go crazy with drugs and I'm sober. My life has really been the same since I left with the only exception being halloween, b-days, possibly x-mas and growing a goatee.
Christmas is still fun even without Jesus.
Reasons I celebrate Christmas:
I do not think Jehovah or Jesus care, it's celebrating the birth of Christ, so it does make me think of spiritual things, so how is that bad?
The so called "pagan origins" are exaggerated, and the customs have long since lost their pagan meaning.
The aribitrary date doesn't bother me, its as good a date as any, and the one most people observe. The JWs accept "Jehovah" as Gods name, even though we do not know the correct pronunciation, and Jehovah is an aribrary one. I don't see the difference.
I like baking, decorating and gift giving and it gives me an excuse to do it.
I like the music.....well, some of it anyway.
My husband makes a great Santa Claus.
I love the smell of evergreen branches.
My family (at least the ones who will talk to me) all celebrate, so it gives us a chance to all get together.
Its good for my business (I sell antiques and home decor).
Ohh... and all the guilt is gone.
I don't care about the botchtowers view of christmas at all.
It's about family getting together and having fun.
Pissy atheists don't like it much because of their hatred of, what is it again, the boogieman that they don't believe in?
I can celebrate it not caring what Jehobah thinks of it. ;) Now that is freedom.
lol @ pencil lead appreciation day! classic lol
I am not a Christian but I love Christmas. It is about family and tradition. I find it refreshing not like a stupid boring meeting about nothing and then more nothing. Me and my wife take out wonderful decorations all around the house and every year buy another ornament for our family tree. It you haven’t figured it out yet that is what life is really about. Family and friends living a good honest life yet not tied to some man made cult or religion. Christmas is what I want it to be and me and my family now have memories forever. God bless Christmas!!!!!!
The aribitrary date doesn't bother me, its as good a date as any, and the one most people observe. The JWs accept "Jehovah" as Gods name, even though we do not know the correct pronunciation, and Jehovah is an aribrary one. I don't see the difference.
An excellent point, LisaRose - especially considering that the JWs put GREAT emphasis on using the "correct" name Jehovah.
Here, Here trujw!
And spoken so eloquently. In the truth we would say, "but celebrating christmas??? Why would you ever do that once you know its origins and see all the commercialism??"
Because, and now I'm out 5 years and I do believe everything just NOW is finally in a completely better space and I can see what trujw said and life is completely about family, friends and the happiness you can share together. Xmas, Easter... it could be National Pencil Lead Day but if I can spend it with my family who so lovingly took me back without question I would be happy to celebrate it because its not about the origin it is what you make it, and it can be beautiful.
I also firmly believe that it is a great 'time marker'. Oh! Another year! Another spring! Lets GET TOGETHER! Years would go by as a witness and without milemarkers its hard to remember and time seemed hard to keep track. These holidays are to force you to step back from your everyday life, because usually that is things that dont matter in the long run, and look at the things that matter. Being out and aware of life, how it got here, I have a greater apreciation of it now than in. It is a miracle and we are so fortunate, I am happy to take the time.