Here this "Christian(??)" religion goes again, trying to model itself after Jewish religions. Whatever ancient Jews were supposed to have done, the Washtowel is trying to emulate. Here, they discuss the a$$emblies. They also emulate the Mosaic Jews with codes for just about everything, and individual "brothers(??)" are not stopped from implying that these codes are necessary for obedience training. For instance, they might insist that you use a particular brand and type of laundry soap or take your suits (a specified color) to a specific dry cleaner at specific intervals. Where are such codes in Christi-SCAM-ity, which this religion claims to be?
And which Grand Boasting Sessions were memorable for me? None, aside the one that my biggest judgment error of my life happened at. They were all the same crap, and anything that could have happened to stand out was snuffed out. Just meeting men? Are they SURE that they are against homosexuality? If so, then why are they trying to cut off any way around it for me? Result: Nothing good--the best ones are the ones I miss. And no, I do not give a fxxx that some ancient Jews had these festivals. Not only am I not Jewish, I am not among the ancients. For that reason, none of that rubbish applies to me.
Food at the proper time? I do believe Satan is doing a much better job at that than Jehovah. At least with Satan, I get to find out how the soul works (or is supposed to work), no stupid rules, and I am not wasting my time worrying about some outdated, outmoded codes that were originally for a limited segment of people of which I do not belong.