" Can you Christian believers be open to the idea that you are dealing in fantasy- as the third meaning of myth. One set of books yield so many differing views. "
One must, dear designs (peace to you!)... because one must "test" the inspired expression. Even we know that not all such expressions originate with God. So one would have to be open to the possibility that it's fantasy, one's own self, perhaps even "demons". When the EVIDENCE repeatedly shows one otherwise, though, it would be foolish to ignore the evidence... wouldn't you agree? I realize that it might be hard for some, those who've not received evidence. But look at it this way: a lot of creationists reject the "evidence" as to evolution... because it doesn't show THEM "proof" of the claim. Too many holes (for them). Whatever evidence there IS isn't sufficient to convince them. Same thing: the evidence that convinces ME... is insufficient to convince YOU. But... I don't take issue with what you do... or do not... believe. Or tell others they should/should not believe. Many non-believers (here, at least) target believers as their audience... and try to convince them that what they believe is false. My message is to both believers, as well as those who believe they are believers but really aren't... because they don't know what... or rather WHO... it is they claim to believe IN. I think they deserve to know. My Lord certainly wants them to.
Can you give me a simple timeline of how you feel things will take place? Last night was a late one for me. I was pretty tired and did not read your post as well as I should have.
I don't know how to respond to that, dear DDog (the greatest of love and peace to you!). I have a timeline, yes, but I am not permitted to share it publicly. What I CAN share is that the world should not underestimate Iran (Persia). Nothing can be done to stop what is coming; one can only prepare to save one's own household and loved ones. Because it WILL be a great tribulation... such as has never been seen BEFORE... nor will be seen again. It is panting toward all of mankind. Having said that, I must reiterate: nothing can be done to stop it. Some will try political pressure, even assassination. Perhaps some mini skirmishes. Such won't stop it, though. The four winds will be unleashed.
I DO agree that the 144,000 and the Great Crowd seem to be the same group.
They are, dear one. Both are kings and priests in the kingdom/temple of God. Indeed (for those who need to see it in the Bible), the great crowd are actually spoke of LITERALLY in this regard. Revelation 5:9, 10 The 144,000 are NOT actually mentioned as such.
Whatever the case may be in the end, the WTBTS has no authority to be dogmatic and then abuse the household that they are supposedly serving. I ask these questions again for anyone to answer.
None are, including the WTBTS, actually. But they are truly false christs and false prophets, with the vocation of "misleading, if possible, EVEN the chosen ones." They are the only ones who teach that not all should partake of Christ's flesh and blood so as to be resurrected by him and live forever. To the contrary, they teach that ones will be resurrected... and live forever... WITHOUT doing so. So...
A couple more questions:
1) Does History estimate the number of first century Christians who died faithful?
Please forgive me, I don't mean to sound... well, I guess MY question would be, how could anyone know? I mean, who can say who died "faithful"? Because they idenitifed themselves as "christians"? The GB of Jehovah's Witnesses identifies themselves as "christians" and they are anything but. He is not a Jew who is one on the OUTSIDE; he is a Jew... who is one on the INSIDE. And so, just as circumcision of the flesh did not and does not identify one as a Jew in the eyes of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... calling oneself a "christian"... and wearing a cross... or toting a bookbag... doesn't make one so.
2) How many Bible Students were there before C.T.Russell died?
Not sure. Did they "number" them back then? If so, someone might be able to give you that information.
They were ALL going to heaven right?
So there better not have been more than a literal 144,000.
My recollection is that there weren't; however, was that number even an issue back then?
BTW, Rutherford's closing the heavenly door is one of the dumbest things of all time.
One of, yes. Their keeping it closed since was even dumber, IMHO. And the lies to explain since, even dumber. Eventually, they're going to run out of paint. Or find themselves in a corner they simply can't get out of. Not without completely screwing up the rest of their "floor."
All they had to do was be honest and admit that they must be wrong about the 144,000 and not claim to have all the answers...
What, and tell the TRUTH? The "Trooth" doesn't TELL the truth, dear one. So, no way they could have done that. No way they can do it, now, even. Their wormhole is too deep... and their wormword too rancid.
I hope this helps you as you continue with your research. If you've ever a mind and heart to, though, you might consider that there is an easier way to know the truth about all of the things you are curious about in this regard: simply go TO the Way (John 14:6)... and ask. Then, put faith in what you hear from that One.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,