does lars really think he christ? or does he want attention?

by unstopableravens 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    For a fun site to look through, here is AJ Miller's site. As I stated above, he is an exJW elder who now believes he is Jesus Christ and his wife is Mary Magdalene.

    He looks like a somewhat normal fellow. But wow...nut case. Click on the About Us link and read the fun

  • frankiespeakin
  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Here is a video interview with Jesus himself:

  • NewChapter

    Lars believes he is the Christ. It was revealed to him, so it can't really be argued. Other than that, since I am an atheist, Lars has made me smile a few times with some of his stories and insights, not related to being Christ.

  • RoosterMcDooster

    Could someone please clue the newguy in, which Lars are you talking about?

  • jgnat

    Larsinger58, active thread right now.

  • xchange

    If you believe you are Christ, then you are the Christ. If you believe Christ talks to you, then Christ talks to you. Apparently, as to the latter statement, we can't challenge that.

    (shrugs shoulders and kicks a small pebble)


    Lars is for real,he believes he`s Jesus..

    He`s hillarious,one of my favorite crazy people on JWN..

    .......................... mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • Londo111

    I've often thought that Larsinger58 is just doing a parody. I mean...that whole story about the dumpster was just hilarious.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Londo, I guess I could see that. Watching AJ Miller above, he's much more serious about the issue. Lars' descriptions are more ridiculous, so as to be funny.

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