Hi Change Name and welcome..Of course you are free to go where you want and I am glad that you also posted here.
J W's are indeed good people individually, so are most Christians. I do miss association sometimes. Unfortunately, I cannot be with them in their work and worship. I used to, I had a lifetime in it. What really matters, above everything is truth and I cannot preach what I know to be false.
As you know, it all depends on today being"the last days". Have you double checked the dates , 607 BC , 2520 years and 1914 AD?
Have you double checked some of the statements that they make about their past failures? Please ensure that you are happy with the information on JWFacts.com and Freeminds.com
I assume that you are happy with the WTS reasoning on the issue of blood? Please ensure that you have also considered the information on ajwrb.com .
I assume that you are happy with the teaching that God is right and loving to slaughter billions of people who happened to be born into the wrong religion?????
All that being said, please make the decision that is right for you. Best wishes.