did i mention i dislike ridicule
Just Because Someone Is A JW "Apologist", It Doesn't Mean WE Have To Be Condescending & Nasty
by minimus 94 Replies latest jw friends
So, who does?
where i do people thrive on it , can be very ugly to watch especially against the elderly or disabled
or just because a kid has blonde or ginger hair etc
Rickisteel, I ridicule anything that deserves it.
If an individual or group of people have been misleading people, implementing policies that break up families or misinterpretting scripture in such a way that it results in harm or even death, don't you think those people deserve derision and ridicule?
I strongly support Minimus' original post on this.
Even if we had suspicions that a poster was insincere, what does it cost us to be reasonable, at least not abusive?
I come here to a) unwind with 'my people' and b) in the hope that somebody might be helped by what we say - even as we once were.
Even if the other guy is trying it on, there might be a lurker who reads an objective post in response and is helped to see the way out
Yes, I'm with Minimus on this too. BB, you make some good points.
Some apologists can be frustrating sometimes but we are more likely to get our point across if we remain calm, focused on the points and not rising to ad hominem attacks and retaliating in kind.
I prefer to at least try to act like the "Christian".
I agree with Minimus.
Rick is Steel,
I love JW survey. Does not the bible contain MANY examples of ridicule? Didn't Jesus ridicule?
Pompous people tend to invite it. The Governing body itself warned JWs that "partaking" after the 1930s might be an indication of mental illness.
Mental illness? I don't remember that one. Wow!
but jesus had the authourity to didnt he? i dont think he ridiculed but rebuked the hypocrisy of the pharisees
and no i didnt know that about mental illness , have you got the source , thanks