The worst thing an "elder" ever did to me was in 2008. I was in one congregation, but I wanted to return to my home congregation because I've been reproved there twice ( once private and the last one public ). When I came into this congregation in 2007 I thought I was going to move up the food chain ( this congregation was full of older people, so I thought I would move up faster ). but I got into some trouble in the congregation. When the last reprove happened everybody changed up on me, so I said you know what I'm gonna go back to my old congregation. This is where the story and the "elders" there get very corrupt; I've been at my old congregation for about 7 months the P.O came up to me out in service he said: Hey Pitchess the "elders" in so & so congregation never sent your publisher card . I said oh I'll just go there and talk to the brothers. "
When I went there the "elders" made it seem that they forgot to send my card and it was all one big misunderstanding . Ok now two months go by, and still no publisher card. I found out over time that the "alpha" elder thought I went back to my old congregation because I "running" from judical reprove", so it became one congregation against the other. In the end beat the "alpha" , and got my card to my new congregation.
Central Compton Congregtion was the where it happened ( thanks Carl Ford ) .