Hello lurkers, christians, agnostics, atheist, exjws! I have always been a hardcore gamer. God of War, Call of Duty, Halo, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, etc love em all. Rated R movies, UFC, experimenting & having fun in the sheets, white lies, animes like Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and Bleach cant live without em. I followed many of the basic teachings to a T:stayed a virgin for many years(was actually sometimes called gay in HS because I was too attractive to not have a girlfriend), studied lesson, commented, read sunday watchtower, carried mic, field service, etc.
But every night I would be scared to death I would be destroyed by Jehovah because that night I played Final Fantasy or I watched new episode of DBZ that day or I said I was 7" when I'am really 6" LOL. Yes many active JWs sisters will ask your measurements LOL. See deep down I knew (it was crystal clear) Jehovah hates anyone loving violence and man I obviously freaking loved violence! Its entertaining and thats a fact! I was never delusional to think I could continue loving all these lil things and just pray about it every night (not true repentance). I would have to turn away from what I loved and live a pretty boring existence (not gonna happen). What habits do you have that you thought would one day get you destroyed by Jehovah?