Hi everyone; this is my first post. Yes, a long long time ago my Grandmother, freshly immigrated from post-war England to rural Australia, waiting for months for her husband to follow, with only her baby for company, heard a knock at the door. She opened it and there were two witnesses, who, after hearing how she'd just been crying in the kitchen, begging God for a friend, probably couldn't have believed their luck.
As a 3rd gen, (haven't been a witness since my teens) and having observed all the mess the WTS has caused on both sides of my family, i can't help but wonder - what if she'd not heard the knock at the door?
I just wanted to ask - are there posters here whose grandparents/parents 'found the truth' after the horror of the second-world-war, like my Grandmother? I remember when I was young, a Yearbook or some publication had photos of witnesses crowded at the knocked-down Berlin Wall, holding aloft WTS literature - & I remember thinking, 'That's like with my Grandmother. Get them while they're vulnerable.'
Thanks for reading everyone.