So for those that have been keeping up: I have recently become fascinated with the lost gospels as well as the history of the four cannon gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and as some may say the "historical Jesus".
I am fascinated by the variations in who Jesus was and what he did according to different traditions and texts. One thing that provoked me the other day is that the Coptics/Gnostics do not believe Jesus "died for our sins". Which explains why an I have never been accosted infront of my favorite drinking hole my a glassy eyed 20 year old with a pamphlet in their hand asking if I am "saved".
So this got me thinking..... I don't recall Jesus ever claiming to have to die for our sins in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John either? I know he claimed to be "the way" and so on and so on... But can anyone point to his words in the four gospels claiming that he actually had to die for our sins?