Hey Joe, If the WTS says you will be happy, you will be happy. If not, it is because you have a bad attitude and lack faith. I preferred going by myself. Many jws have the most judgmental things to say at and b etween doors.
Wife's FS report for last month... Zero!
by Captain Obvious 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Joe Grundy
"Hey Joe, If the WTS says you will be happy, you will be happy. If not, it is because you have a bad attitude and lack faith."
Blondie, I've picked this up from so many posts here on JWN over the years and, TBH, it makes me so sad for all the wasted hours, years and lives. At least when I was a cop and trudging round doors I was getting paid for it and we had a purpose in mind!
My last encounter with a dub in FS was with a bright young college-age guy with a younger lad in tow. He explained to me how carbon dating was wrong, Adam was created c.6,500 years ago, and so on. I didn't argue except to suggest he do some research. He was obviously 'lacking in joy' and I'm not surprised, poor guy. I just didn't have the heart to beat him down further than I think he already was. I came away from the encounter thinking even more 'this is a sad and evil cult' which is not, of course, supposed to be the outcome of FS.
a watcher
Noah didn't make many converts either. Does that mean that his preaching was a waste of time? No, because preaching serves a dual purpose.
It also serves as a warning that Jehovah is soon going to intervene in the affairs of mankind, and those who are not prepared for it will probably not survive it.
finally awake
Hi Watcher, I look forward to hearing from you in 25 years when nothing at all has happened, assuming you are young enough to still be alive in 25 years. Good luck with your mental health until then.
Joe Grundy
"Noah didn't make many converts either. Does that mean that his preaching was a waste of time? No, because preaching serves a dual purpose.
It also serves as a warning that Jehovah is soon going to intervene in the affairs of mankind, and those who are not prepared for it will probably not survive it"
Well, that's one view. In my (no doubt) cynical view it serves as a tool for the WT organisation to keep 'the faithful' busy and occupied, 'up with the program' so they don't stop to think, and don't dare to challenge.
Just my opinion, you understand, I may be wrong.
Captain, I concur with those that said not to make a big deal out of it BUT to make "a date" with your wife to do something new and different together. Most of my family came out after me. I was not confrontational with them about my own choices and allowed them plenty of space to sort things out for themselves. I did say enough so that they knew they had a friend as they were rethinking all the guilt-tripping KHall activities.
Stopping FS is big deal! There is no need to the tell the elders that you intend to never go out again. That will become evident on its own. By the way, I have redurrring dreams that I have met with the field service group and am now in a car group going back to the territory. In my dream I am silently wondering to myself what in the heck did I go back for. LOL
A date with your honey will surely trump going in service. Don't make a big deal about her lack of FS time last month. Let her fade out her way. If you say anything she will feel obligated to resume going in service so she doesn't "stumble" you. Gradually over time Not going in service and perhaps missing meetings will not feel so guilt inducing. Good luck!