The three definitions of apostasy

by cedars 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    I've just uploaded a new article to my website answering the question: "Is an apostate website?"

    Here is the link:

    In my article I answer the question by explaining how there are really three definitions of apostasy, as follows:

    • The Bible’s definition: abandoning the true faith in God.
    • The Watch Tower Society’s definition: abandoning the teachings of the Faithful Slave.
    • The secular definition: abandoning one’s former beliefs.

    Whether or not you class someone (or something) as "apostate" really depends on which definition carries the most relevance or significance in your personal view.

    I would be interested in hearing what your thoughts are on this subject, and (of course) any ways in which I can improve the article would be appreciated.


  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    • The Bible’s definition: abandoning the true faith in God.
    • The Watch Tower Society’s definition: abandoning the teachings of the Faithful Slave.
    • The secular definition: abandoning one’s former beliefs.

    I suppose I am an apostate based on all 3 definitions and I'm good with that. I think the only one that holds any weight with me is secular opinion.

    Good article. I stand in the same light you do. I am not DF'd nor DA'd. Just an inactive JW. I will disassociate myself if I am forced to. I do not have "respect" for the bible any longer. I do like reading all sides of a story however.

    I always enjoy reading your articles. Well balanced.

  • tornapart

    Excellent as always Cedars and I particularly liked your illustration of if Russell and Rutherford came back and refused to accept current teachings.. I must remember that one!

  • BluesBrother

    One man's apostate is another man's honest thinking hero........It all depends on your own point of view.

    The WTS use of 2 John to support their persecution of critics always bugs me, since the context clearly is talking about persons who deny the ressurrection of Jesus

  • Vidiot

    Good job again, Cedars.

    Speaking of which...

    ...I posted an idea in the "America in Decline" thread about a similar article breaking down - in point form - all the peices of evidence that support the position that the WTS is in decline (and suggested you as the writer), in the hopes that it might convince some of the skeptics.

    What do you think of that idea?

  • cyberjesus

    We are all apostates...even the jesus from the bible..if such a character existed... Any one who abandones their beliefs.

  • cedars

    Thanks everyone!

    Vidiot - thanks for the suggestion! I have so far written two articles on the Watchtower's "downsizing", which are available on this link.

    I intend to write a follow-up article on this subject once the 2012 report figures become available in full.


  • rebel8

    To elaborate, it means a little more to the wts than just abandoning their teachings.

    Although this is an older quote I am not aware of any change in the belief/teaching. I continue to hear this exact same rhetoric today. Please note this applies to "all who cut loose from the Society" not just some.

    The Watch Tower of October 1, 1909, said: “All who cut loose from the Society and its work, instead of prospering themselves or upbuilding others in the faith and in the graces of the spirit, seemingly do the reverse—attempt injury to the Cause they once served, and, with more or less noise, gradually sink into oblivion, harming only themselves and others possessed of a similarly contentious spirit. . . . If some think that they can get as good or better provender at other tables, or that they can produce as good or better themselves—let these take their course. . . . But while we are willing that others should go anywhere and everywhere to find food and light to their satisfaction, strange to say, those who become our opponents take a very different course. Instead of saying in the manly fashion of the world, ‘I have found something which I prefer; goodbye!’ these manifest anger, malice, hatred, strife, ‘works of the flesh and of the devil’ such as we have never known worldly people to exhibit. They seem inoculated with madness, Satanic hydrophobia [rabies]. Some of them smite us and then claim that we did the smiting. They are ready to say and write contemptible falsities and to stoop to do meanness.”

  • Vidiot
    Cedars - "Vidiot - thanks for the suggestion! I have so far written two articles on the Watchtower's "downsizing"..."

    You're welcome; I'm a fan of your writing, actually; it's why I suggested it.

    I realize it's not your usual approach, but what do you think of the "point form" format idea (including items not necessarily "downsize"-related)?

  • cedars

    Thanks Vidiot, I will try to use a point-by-point approach to give things some kind of order!

    rebel8 - that's a great quote! I do touch somewhat on the "drawing off followers" element of the Society's definition, but you're right that they would probably attach every negative connotation to the word "apostate" that they could possibly think of.


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