Excuse my ignorance here. Can you all help me with something? If the domestics, which now include the annointed, are to be appointed at a future date, what happened in 1919? How is that year currently being viewed in JW history at this point, if Jesus did not in fact chose his people during that time?
So he chose the FDS in 1919, but isn't giving them the domestics until the future? Is that where we are at?
To me EVERYTHING hinges not on 1914, not on blood, but on the men who run the organization essentially being representatives of his "earthly organization". It hinges on them being the stars in the hand of Christ, being endowed with "spirit direction", and having the commision to preach so that others follow.
How do you all think THAT is impacted? Discussing 1914, blood, or doctrine on more minor matters doesn't seem to make a dent. The UN thing nobody seems to care about. Everythign seems to hinge on loyalty to the GB.