With the recent BOE letter that Atlantis posted on JWN regarding older publications that needed to be destroyed or discarded from ALL Kingdom Halls and the new on-line library on jw.org which only goes back to the year 2000, I wonder if the GB 2.0 is about to eliminate the WT Library CD which contains Watchtower mags all the way back to 1950. Is there even a CD for 2012? If there is, I think it'll be their last CD before they go all on-line. Either way, it clear that the GB 2.0 (aka FDS) has a plan to erase any evidence of their unsustainable BS in the last 130 years...
Has the Governing Body 2.0 commenced Phase I of OHP (Operation History Purge)?
by Calebs Airplane 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Black Sheep
... discarded from ALL Kingdom Halls ...
Read it again .... carefully.
It is an instruction for the literature for placement, not a cleanout for the KH LIBRARY.
The GB is unable to eliminate it's past, especially now that the 'information age' is here and digital & hardcopy libraries, such as my own, abound.
The new light concept makes their history unimportant. There is no need to eliminate it.
All WT publications are like cartons of milk: they have an expiration date.
Calebs Airplane
Black Sheep... I should have been more specific but I meant the Literature Counter (not the actual KH Library that no one ever uses)... That said, they're probably considering that for Phase II...
(point taken on the "information age")
I disagree that " new light " totally negates their history, although I understand the concept. If they had no fear of their true past then they would not have the Proclaimer's Book and all available pupblications would be available. The fact that the CD-Library only goes so far is very telling IMO. The new CD-Library applications only going to 2000 is odd as well. I bet they wish that they could get rid of those pesky 2004 articles about the FDS!!
Releasing new light about the FDS was probably a desperation tactic. If they had more time they could have worked it out better. The only reason it works is because they know that most of the sheeple will believe whatever they say without question. The information control is for the newbies and spiritually weak ones. Still the internet is out there, the truth is out there. At my CA they said that they were losing too many young ones! Why?? The internet has to be a factor. If they start losing the born-ins that leaves only newbies and immigrants. That's where the shepherding comes in. They will give any doubters the boot and move on with the poor foreign speaking groups who are totally clueless. They will never question why the CD-Library only goes to 2000, what do they know?
What's phase 2? Book Burning??!! Who knows with these guys. I have been taking old books from my KH for the last few months. I just sneak a book here and there. They are just decoration anyway... Here is phase 2..
The Proclaimer's Book was a pretty good effort to rewrite JW and Bible Student history.
Most JWs barely scan the magazines or read the bible....then they snooze through the meetings. About half of elders have actually ever read the bible cover to cover ONCE.
Most JWs do not care.
LWT: All WT publications are like cartons of milk: they have an expiration date.
It's more than that: All WT DOCTRINES are like cartons of milk. . . .
"I disagree that " new light " totally negates their history, although I understand the concept."
I get what you're saying. My reply would be this: if you confront an elder or CO with any particular, troubling paragraph from a past publication (wherever you must obtain it), they will dismiss it as being old.
In this sense, the 'new light' concept allows them to dismiss any previous writings, if they no longer reflect the "current truth". <------ LOL, "current truth"