Now for the unreasonable voice of, if someone here knows the people of which you speak, then perhaps they will inform you and them. Assuming you have your real name listed in your profile, along with your current email address, someone may feel free to contact your associates and pass on your info. This however is a long shot. Everyday there are more and more of us, many of which want to disappear. Possibly the need to start over with an entirely clean slate is for them, or because of the public stigma placed on them by thier respective congos, causes them to not stay in touch with old friends. For instance, I haven't met one person here from any of the congos I attended in Dallas, and am not even sure what I would do if I did. There are some that deserve a hug and an apollogy. Then again, some deserve a swift kick in the ass and a punch in the face. Its always interesting to realize how large the world is outside the confines, and thank DOG it is!. I hope you find your frineds or long lost acquaintances, as the case may be. Above all, be patient and do your own Internet searches, and if its that important to you, pay a search firm.
District Overbeer