Hi all i was thinking about this the other day and how the elders say that they have gods direction when they have judicial meetings, if that is the case and gods spirit is directing their decision then why do they have the allowance for an appeal, after all if god is supposed to be directing them there would be no mistake in the decision right? Any thoughts people?
Jehovahs spirit on decision to disfellowship
by chezza 16 Replies latest jw friends
if that is the case and gods spirit is directing their decision then why do they have the allowance for an appeal, after all if god is supposed to be directing them there would be no mistake in the decision right?
Aye, but I guess they're saying God's imperfect...or that men are!!!
Good point ashitaka
Several years after I was disfellowshipped, I bumped into a person from the Hall. We started talking and he informed me of several elders that had been disfellowshipped shortly after I was. It was interesting that one elder was booted out after his wife learned that he had been having a long time sexual affair with a woman at work. Upon hearing this, I started laughing because he was one of the elders that was always on my case about not going out in service. He was also one of the the elders on my committee. How could this man have God's direction in disfellowshipping me, when he could not keep his pants zipped! Also the other elders that were disfellowshipped after me. How many months before I was kicked out were they out of Jehovah's favor? I was disfellowshipped for donating blood to a dying person. If the Society ever changes their view on blood, will I then be undisfellowshipped and welcomed back with open arms?
Good point kd, nah you will be able to sue them for wrongfull dismissal.lol
>>the elders say that they have gods direction when they have judicial meetings, if that is the case and gods spirit is directing their decision then why do they have the allowance for an appeal, after all if god is supposed to be directing them there would be no mistake in the decision right?<<
Hi Chezza,
I could be totally wrong on this, (of course we ALL know NOW that them "having God's spirit" directing their decision is pure nonsense), but......I think the reason behind the "appeal" addition is that it "sounds" good when you're getting the axe, and that in "democratic" countries, it lends a feeling of fairness to the issue. Just window dressing and show, like the WTS Public Relations website........lies and innuendo.
Annie -
Will Power
If all the elders are being divinely directed in the disfellowshipment decisions, wouldn't that make them all of the spirit anointed class?
I think the reason behind the
"appeal" addition is that it "sounds" good when you're getting the axe, and that in
"democratic" countries, it lends a feeling of fairness to the issue. Just window dressing and
show, like the WTS Public Relations website........lies and innuendo.Very true!!
I was never baptized, but the elders got wind of a false rumor about me. My mother who visciously lied about me, told stories that she 'thought' were true, but knew fully well they werent. Anyway, the elders told me I would be announced as unapproved association. They told me I could appeal it, and I did. I wrote a letter about how they had no proof, no witnesses, and the elder involved had personal agendas against me. I asked if only I could have another elder handle my case, then I would gladly accept any decision they made.They never even considered it. They said 'No, we're not going to give you the appeal. The elder would think the way we did anyway." and announced me. I never felt it was handled fairly at all...but I get the sense that they were trying to look like they were fair and just.
That is shocking that you were not given the opportunity to appeal, i feel that personal opinions of the elders definately help in their decisions, we had one elder who always was on the cases involving members of my family.